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HighchartsHighcharts 10.0 版



We are happy to announce the new release of Highcharts 10.0. Here is the list of the major features and minor additions (check the Highcharts changelog for more details):


Major features


1、New arc diagram series type

2、Breadcrumbs functionality

3、TopoJSON and improved projection features for maps

4、Align thresholds feature


Other features

1、Allow disabling of AST filtering

2、Retina support for boosted charts

3、Areaslpine series with boost module support


Major features

1. Arc diagram

Now you can highlight clusters displaying relationships and strength between different nodes thanks to the Highcharts arc diagram. An arc diagram is similar to the existing dependency wheel, but with a linear layout. As any Highcharts series type, the Highcharts arc diagram is supported with thorough documentation and plenty of demos:


  • Arc diagram demo
  • Arc diagram inverted demo
  • Arc diagram API reference




2. Breadcrumbs functionality

Breadcrumbs replace the drill-up and traverse-up buttons. Breadcrumbs makes it easier for you to see what level you are looking at, and to find your way back to previous levels. You can use the breadcrumbs functionality for drill-down charts as well as hierarchical series such as treemaps and sunburst.




3、 TopoJSON capability

TopoJSON is now the preferred map source in Highcharts Maps, with support for client side projection and the capability to combine multiple maps. Maps can even be arranged with multiple projections with insets.



4. Align thresholds feature

The new align thresholds feature allows you to align the charts’ threshold with multiple axes.



Other features

1. Allow disabling of AST filtering

If you prefer handling your own DOM XSS filtering; the bypassHTMLFiltering flag allows you to pass any input HTML directly to the chart.


2. Retina support for boosted charts

The new boost pixel ratio feature enhances the boost module to ensure razor sharp graphics on Retina displays.



3. Areaspline series with boost module support

The areaspline chart type is now enabled to handle a considerable amount of data thanks to the boost module support.



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