TeeChart Charting Controls for NET offer a great generic component suite for a myriad of charting requirements, targeting too, important vertical areas such as the financial, scientific and statistical worlds.
Charts for NET
TeeChart offers fully interactive Charts, Maps and Gauges for .NET; desktop, mobile & the browser page.
Easy to use
You'll see how easy it is to code TeeChart and how you can improve department development productivity. Full 100% TeeChart .NET source code is available to you as an option.
Priced Right For You
Find assemblies for ASP.NET, MVC, WebForm, HTML5/Javascript, WPF, UWP and Xamarin Mobile. We have divided the product into Business, Pro and Enterprise versions to better fit needs & budget. See the Feature Matrix.
Steema’s commitment
There are more than 15 years of charting development invested in the current version of the TeeChart for .NET charting engine.
A quick glance
Flexible data visualisation
The TeeChart Chart Component for .NET handles your data, creating informative and attractive charts, seamlessly across a variety of platforms including: Windows Forms, WPF, ASP.NET with HTML5/Javascript rendering and Universal Windows Platform (UWP).
TeeChart for .NET C# code may be reused with Steema's mobile TeeChart products for Xamarin to reach Windows Phone, Android and iOS directly or via Xamarin's Forms PCL platform.
View WPF Demo
TeeChart UWP & Winforms Standard Series example.
This is a Point & Figure Series. Point & Figure is made of X's and O's symbols representing over time filtered price movements. Notice that the X-axis is non-linear.
Many indicators designed to track financial data
TeeChart Pro is packed with functionality to produce high-class financial charting applications. Functions and indicators include: Open-High-Low-Close Series, Candle, Volume and MACD, ADX, Stochastic, Bollinger, Momentum, Moving Average and many more statistical functions.
ASP.NET & MVC charts as HTML5 Javascript
The ASP.NET Web Chart component may be placed on the WebForm panel for full in-place editing. Charts may be streamed directly to the browser without need of temporary files. You can render your web charts either as static or ajax enhanced images or take advantage of TeeChart's comprehensive, client-side HTML5 Javascript library to render fully interactive Charts for MVC & ASP.NET.
New and improved features
IDE’s Supported and Compatibility
- Fully exploits Microsoft.net Framework v2.0, v3.5, v4.0, v4.5, v4.5.1, v4.6, v4.62
- ASP.NET Framework v2.0 and higher
- Silverlight v3.0, v4.0, v5.0
- Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
- Compatible with Microsoft Visual Studio: v2005, v2008, v2010, v2012, v2013, v2015, v2017
- Components for WinForms, WebForms, MVC, Compact Framework and SQL Reporting Services
- Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
- HTML5 support browsers
- Ajax clientside WebChart processing
Support for Microsoft Windows Phone.
Enterprise Edition and Full C# sourcecode version include TeeChart for Xamarin.Android,TeeChart for Xamarin.iOS and TeeChart for Xamarin.Forms products.
60+ chart types and variations. From the commonly used Line, Bar, Area, Pie to those more “field-specific charts” such as Candlestick, Open-High-Low-Close, Kagi and Contour.
- Standard: Line (Strip), Bar, Area, Pie, Fast Line, Point (Scatter), Bubble, Arrow, Gantt, Shape, Horiz.Area, Horiz.Bar, Horiz.Line, Pointer style Hexagon
- Financial: Candle (OHLC), Darvas, Kagi, Renko, Point and Figure, Volume, EquiVolume
- Statistical: Box-Plot, Color Grid, Error, Error Bar, Error Point, Funnel (Pipeline), HighLow, Histogram, Volume Pipe, Waterfall, Horiz. BoxPlot, Horiz. Histogram
- Extended: 3D Vector, Bezier, Contour, Donut, IsoSurface, Map GIS, Organizational Chart, Polar, Polar Grid, Point 3D, Pyramid, Radar, Smith, Surface, TreeMap, Tri.Surface, Tower
- Other: Bar 3D, Bar-Join, Calendar, Clock, Image Bar, Image Point, My Point, TagCloud, Wind-Rose, BubbleCloud
Gauges series type and indicators (dynamic Gauges, Circular, Linear, Numeric, Knob or Combination). TeeChart's Gauges are completely configurable to give you full control of format, size, colour and shape for your dashboard application.
Provides library of map series with support for ESRI open standard map formats.
50+ financial and statistical indicators including:
- Standard: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Count, Average, High, Low, Median Function, Percent Change
- Financial: ADX, AC, Alligator, AO, ATR, Bollinger Bands, CCI, CLV, Compression OHLC, Exp. Average, Exp. moving average, Gator Oscillator, Kurtosis, MACD, Momentum, MomentumDiv, Money Flow, OBV, PVO, RSI, RVI, Slope, Smoothed Mov Avg, S.A.R Function
- Statistical: SPC Charts, Histograms, Skewness
- Extended: Cross points, Correlation, Cumulative, Custom y=y(x), Exponential Trend, Fitting linearizable models, Performance, Perimeter, Polynomial fitting, Finding coefficients, Reducing number of points, DownSampling, RMS, Smoothing function, Std Deviation, Trendline, Variance
You can easily create and/or connect to an existing database or dataset in your project.
Direct access to .NET data sources. Direct access to URL addressable Charts.
TeeChart includes a set of 43 tools.
Annotation, ChartImage, ExtraLegend, GridBand, GridTranspose, MarksTip, NearestPoint, PageNumber, Pie, LegendScrollBar, SeriesAnimation, SurfaceNearest, Rotate, Cursor, DragMarks, AxisArrow, ColorLine, ColorBand, DrawLine, DragPoint, Gantt, AxisScroll, Zoom, Scroll, Light, Fibonacci, SubChart, Marker, Fader, Rectangle, Selector, SeriesRegion, LegendPalette, SeriesStats, SeriesTranspose, DataTable, ClipSeries, Banner, CustomHotspot, AxisBreaks, ScrollPager, FullScreen, CycleLines.
The Palette provides access to 30 toolkit-specific components including ChartGrid, Navigators, Web source and Control Bar.
You have control over the aesthetics of the charts with a set of 25 image filters.
You can easily export charts as images (bitmap, metafile, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, PDF, SVG, EPS and native Chart format) and as data to Excel, XML, HTML, CSV (Text) and native Chart format. Builds and exports to Flash via Flex compiler. Stream export/import capability for BLOB storage and direct output to client (eg. browser).
TeeChart for .NET includes native support to create Javascript charts for an HTML5 Canvas. It does so by referencing, at runtime, the publicly available TeeChart HTML5 minified source at the Steema web (/files/public/teechart/html5/latest/src). You are free to enhance your clientside code using this repository.
TeeChart Javascript sourcecode, supported by Steema, is available here /product/html5, or the open source version is accessible at github.com.
Enterprise Edition includes the TeeChart JS Subscription License.
TeeChart forms and string constants translated to 29 languages. The translation can be used at design-time and run-time.
Direct high-speed addition of Array data to the Chart making TeeChart for .NET very quick! Very quick!
Digital Signal Processing Module
TeeChart now ships with a Direct2D rendering engine. This is ideal for the high speed data throughput required by DSP realtime applications. http://www.teechart.net/files/teechartnet/WhitePaper_Direct2D.pdf
Use the Chart Editor to add and setup Multiple Axes or add them at runtime. Virtually unlimited Axes may be added and independently configured.
Interactive Zooming and Scrolling
Charts can be scrolled and zoomed using the mouse or by code at runtime. Zoom and scroll features can be customized using chart properties and events.
Includes 14 predefined themes enabling rapid change of many chart properties with a single mouse click.
Colour palette management, Transparency and anti-aliasing on all Chart object Pens, Brushes, Fonts and Gradients. Custom 3D Drawing Objects.
Tech support provided via Steema online Forums. Optional Professional-level technical support gives the subscriber a priority support link into Steema.
You may distribute your charts royalty-free for use in compiled desktop applications.
See the Software licensing contract to learn more about the use of TeeChart for .NET license.
Includes Extensive demos for Visual Studio.NET including WinForms, ASP.NET WebForms and Compact Framework, code examples, Tutorials, blog articles, TeeChart wiki, etc.
Compare features between the Business, Pro and Enterprise Editions of TeeChart via theFeature Comparison table.
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