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jQuery EasyUI

What is EasyUI?

  • easyui is a collection of user-interface plugin based on jQuery.
  • easyui provides essential functionality for building modern, interactive, javascript applications.
  • using easyui you don't need to write many javascript code, you usually define user-interface by writing some HTML markups.
  • complete framework for HTML5 web page.
  • easyui saves your time and scales while developing your products.
  • easyui is very easy but powerful.

Easy to use on jQuery and HTML5

jQuery EasyUI provides easy to use components for web developers, which is built on the popular jQuery core and HTML5. These make your applications suitable for today's web. There are two ways to declare ui components:


Declare components directly within HTML

Write JavaScript code to create components



  • datagrid: The selecting and checking flags will lose after calling 'updateRow' method. fixed.
  • tabs: The trip tools have a wrong position when calling 'update' method. fixed.
  • window: When the height is set to 'auto', it will disappear after moving the window. fixed.
  • messager: When display the progress message window and then close it immediately, an exception occurs. fixed.
  • form: The 'clear' method does not clear the selected drop-down items of the combobox. fixed.


  • textbox: The 'cls' property is available to add a custom style to textbox.
  • numberbox: Allow the user to format currency in Italian.
  • combo: Add 'multivalue' property that allows the user to determine how to submit the multiple values.
  • combobox: Add 'reversed' property.
  • combobox: Add 'onClick' event.
  • combogrid: Add 'reversed' property.
  • treegrid: Enable multiple selection with the shift key.

New Plugins

  • tagbox: Allows the user to add tags to a form field.

Commercial License

This license agreement refers to jQuery EasyUI software - Commercial License.


jQuery EasyUI Team grants to you a limited, non-transferable and non-exclusive right to use, royalty-free, copy and modify the software.


The Licensee has the right to use the software by up to 5 developers at a time. There are no limitations on the number of projects/sites you can use the software in, you can use it on any number of projects/sites you need. There is no time limit, you can use the software for any period of time you need. There is no restriction while you are developing your solution. There are no royalties of any kind involved.


Modifications to the software are allowed but you may not:


a) Distribute the modified software or part(s) of it as standalone application.

b) Sublicense, rent, lease or lend any portion of the software.

c) Modify or remove any copyright notices from any of the software files.


The Licensee has the right to apply for tech support on the software within 1 year since purchasing the product and bug fixing during the same period.


The Licensee has the right to get free upgrades for 1 year since purchasing the product.


jQuery EasyUI Team retains all ownership rights to the software.


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