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ImageKit9 ActiveX

ImageKit®9 ActiveX

World's Best Imaging Component Has A New Version!

Touch screen capabilities added

Web camera functions added: record, play, preview, take snapshot

New scanning functions - NEW!

Contains both 32bit and 64bit DLLs and OCX files

Create 64bit scanning applications     (* Must have 64bit scan driver)

Supports unicode file names

Load images from and save images to HTTP servers

Load images from and save images to FTP servers

Set Exif information (* Not all exif tags supported)

New context menu has been added to image editing

The ImageKit9 ActiveX is a component that allows you to add image processing functionality to your applications quickly and easily. With the ImageKit9 ActiveX, you can write applications that retrieve images from TWAIN scanners and digital cameras; that load and save image files and convert images from one format to another; that edit images, draw shapes and text on images; that display images and print images; that display images as thumbnails, and much more. Most all of the ImageKit9 functionality is also available in DLL style API.

The ImageKit9 ActiveX component can be used in Visual Studio 2013/ 2012/ 2010/ 2008/ 2005 via COM wrapper. A variety of sample programs for each supported development environment are included with the ImageKit9 ActiveX allowing you to quickly get up to speed using the ImageKit9. Each sample program clearly illustrates one or two key functions so it is easy to understand and easy to find the necessary code to enable that functionality in your own applications.

The ImageKit9 ActiveX has the same stable, easy to use functions as always and supports both 32bit and 64bit environments and comes with unicode and ansi versions.

The earlier ImageKit8 ActiveX functions can be used just as they are and the ImageKit9 ActiveX now has touch screen capabilites, web camera controls, and new scanning functions.

The ImageKit9 ActiveX contains of five controls: the ImageKit control; three web camera controls, Record, Play, Preview; and the Thumbnail control. The ImageKit control provides comprehensive image-processing, printing, drawing, and scanning functionality. The WebCamera controls allow you to program and manipulate movie images from web cameras. The Thumbnail control provides an easy interface for displaying images as thumbnails. These controls are shipped in 4 editions: a 64 bit unicode edition, a 32 bit unicode edition, a 64 bit ANSI edition, and a 32 bit ANSI edition.



List of major functionality ImageKit7
Application Development Environment            
Supports 64 bit Application Development (64 bit scannnig supported with 64 bit scan driver)      
Supports 64 bit Application Development (but not scanning or plug-in functions)          
Supports Visual Studio 2003 (100% .NET Component)          
Supports Visual Studio 2005/2008 (100% .NET Component)      
Supports Visual Studio 2010 / 2012 / 2013 (100% .NET Component)        
Supports Visual Studio 6.0 (ActiveX Component)      
Supports Visual Studio 2002 / 2003 (COM Wrapper)        
Supports Visual Studio 2005 / 2008 / 2010 (COM Wrapper)      
Supports Visual Studio 2012 / 2013 (COM Wrapper)        
Supports ASP.NET      
Supports Classic ASP      
Visual Studio 2003 Windows Form Control, Web Form Control          
Visual Studio 2005 / 2008 Windows Form Control, Web Form Control      
Visual Studio 2010 / 2012 / 2013 Windows Form Control, Web Form Control        
Visual Studio 2002 / 2003 Windows Form Control (COM Wrapper)        
Visual Studio 2005 / 2008 / 2010 Windows Form Control (COM Wrapper)      
Visual Studio 2012 / 2013 Windows Form Control (COM Wrapper)        
Includes .NET Class Library      
Supports "Click Once" deployment      
Supports "No Touch" deployment          
Supports CAB file download to web browser      
Backward Compatibility Controls   Web Form
Seperate controls provided for compatibility with earlier versions: Common Control, Display Control, Effect Control, File Control, Print Control, Scan Control          
Web Form ImageKit Control   Web Form
Display images in the ImageKit Control and Pan Window      
Load and save various types of images      
Image thumbnail selection and display      
Image Display Functions   Windows Form
Display raster and vector images simultaneously in seperate display layers
Display mouse coordinates in tool tip
Scroll using mouse drag
Display 1-bit color images in high quality
Display 4-bit and 8-bit grayscale images in high quality    
Scale, stretch, actual size, fit to height, and fit to width display modes
Set initial display location
Pan window functions for both raster and vector images
Scroll bar control
Select an area on the image for processing
Display a graduated scale  
Display a grid  
Raster image editing toolbar      
Vector image editing toolbar      
Annotation Functions   Windows Form
Can draw these annotation objects on the base image: Line, Polyline, Polygon, Rectangle, Ellipse, Pen, Text, and Image objects.        
Can draw annotation Rounded Rectangle and Stamp annotation objects on the base image.        
Can set level of opacity for forecolor and backcolor.          
Supports style settings for line related annotation objects. These settings include: arrow caps, dash style, line join style, and cap style.          
Annotation objects can be moved, edited, rotated, deleted, copied and pasted, after they have been drawn        
Annotation object can be cut and pasted          
Annotation object's Z-order can be changed        
Annotation object information can be saved to a seperate annotation file (xml format)        
Annotation object information can be loaded from file and drawn on any image displayed in the ImageKit Control        
Annotation objects can be rasterized and embedded into the image        
Annotation and editing toolbar included        
Annotation setting, drawing, editing, and function toolbars included          
Touch Screen Functions   Windows Form
Pinch in and pinch out capability        
Scroll ImageKit control by touch        
Scroll Thumbnail control by touch        
Thumbnail Functions   Windows Form
Has a Thumbnail Control
Can change the order that thumbnail image are displayed
Can delete specifed thumbnail images
Can customize the thumbnail dialog
Provides a wide range of options for displaying thumbnails
Load file event available
Supports the display of custom pattern
Can select multiple thumbnails at the same time
Supports drag and drop
Thumbnail file saves thumbnail information for fast loading
Effect Functions   Windows Form
Embed and retrieve digital watermark
Create new images      
Select and process regions on the image
Layer and paste images together
Create panorama images
Deskew image data        
Duplicate images, copy and paste images to the clipboard, adjusted sharpness, noise reduction, blur, mosaic, outline, emboss, antialias, custom filter, adjust chromance, adjust RGB and YCrCb gamma, level, reverse, spline, increase color, decrease color, enlarge, reduce, rotate, affine adjustment and more
Supports variety of filters including: Oil Paint, Canvas, Glasstile, Lens, Ripple, Wave, Whirlpinch, Motion Blur
Scan Functions   Windows Form
Select Scan Device
Can use scanner manufacturer's user interface
Can build your own custom user interface
Continuous scanning support through auto document feeder or digital camera
Set scan conditions in custom-built scan interface
Retrieve scanning information
Hook into various scanning events for each scan
Supports file transfer
Supports memory transfer (JPEG, PNG)
Set dropout color
Noise filter
Image filter
Automatic paper detection
ADF duplex support
Retrieve digital camera thumbnail images
Set and retrieve monochrome halftone
Set scan scale
Set and retrieve paper size
Retrieve valid range of property values for a particular scanner
Moire filter (Epson scanners)
Unsharp mask (Espon scanners)
Dynamic Threshold (Panasonic scanners)
Deskew smoothing (Panasonic scanners)
Multi-stream support (Panasonic scanners)  
Character orientation detection (Canon DR scanners)  
Skip blank page    
Punch hole removal (Canon DR Scanners, Epson Scanners, Panasonic Scanners)    
Gamma Correction (Epson Scanners)    
Focus position adjustment (Epson scanners)    
Edge enhancement (sharpness) (Canon DR scanners)    
Text enhancement (Canon DR scanners)      
B & W / color ratio detection, focus position (Epson scanners)    
Reflective scanning of positive file (custom UI), character distinction (Epson scanners)      
Document orientation adjustment, multistream (Panasonic scanners)    
B & W / color ratio detection, multistream (PFU scanners)    
Save scan information to the TWAIN scan driver and use that information to scan      
Image File Functions   Windows Form
Supports Unicode file naming  
Possible to load from and save to HTTP and FTP servers via URL        
Save Exif information (*Does not support all Exif tags)        
Select file dialog with preview and file information      
Save BMP and JPEG images to PDF Documents        
Load BLOB data from and save BLOB data to database
Load and save each color plane seperately
Load and save image data directly from memory
Progress event when loading or saving images
Supported image formats   Windows and Web Form
JPEG2000 / JPEG2000Stream  
DIB(WindowsBMP) 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 bit
DIB (WindowsBMP) RLE4,RLE8, 4, 8 bit    
DIB (WindowsBMP) RLE4,RLE8, 4, 8 bit(Load only. Uncompressed BMP can be saved)          
JPEG 8-bit grayscale (images can be loaded only), 24 bit color. Supports standard DCT, Exif support (JPEG compression, main and thumbnail images can be loaded only)          
JPEG 8-bit grayscale, 24 bit color. Supports standard DCT, progressive DCT. Exif support: JPEG compression, main and thumbnail images can be loaded)    
JPEG 8-bit grayscale, 24 bit color. Supports standard DCT, progressive DCT (Progressive DCT is load only but Standard DCT can also be saved). Exif support: JPEG compression, main and thumbnail images can be loaded)          
Gif 1, 4, 8 bit. Supports transparency, interlace, multipage loading, gif animation saving      
Gif 1, 4, 8 bit. Supports transparency, interlace, multipage loading, gif animation saving (in single page units only)      
TIFF 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32 bit. Compression formats supported: Uncompressed Tiff, CCITTRLE, FAX3 (1D and 2D compressed), FAX4, PACKBITS, LZW. Color Mode: Palette, RGB, CMYK. Multipage tiff files can be loaded and saved      
TIFF 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32 bit. Compression formats supported: Uncompressed Tiff, CCITTRLE (load only), FAX3 (1D. 2D compressed supports load only), FAX4, PACKBITS, LZW. Color Mode: Palette, RGB, CMYK. Multipage tiff files can be loaded and saved. Tiff compession formats listed here as load only may be saved in other compressions.      
PNG 1, 4, 8, and 24 bit. Supports transparency and interlace      
PNG 1, 4, 8, and 24 bit. Supports transparency      
FPX (Flashpix) 8 bit grayscale, 24 bit color. Supported compression: Uncompressed, Jpeg compression, single color compression    
PCX 1, 4, 8, 24 bit      
WMF (load only). Can save as raster image      
EMF (load only). Can save as raster image      
DXF (2D)      
Drawing functions    
Draw bezier curves      
Draw rectangles using different brush      
Draw rectangle border with focus      
Draw text using GDI+ (Solid, Hatch, Texture, Gradiation)      
Draw image in window handle (hWnd), set and retrieve color info from specified pixel, retrieve image from device context (Hdc), draw to screen, printer or image handle, fill specified area with specified color, draw image to device context (Hdc), draw line, rectanges, ellipses, polygons, polylines, arcs, chords, pies, rounded rectangles, filled rectangles, text, and others      
Printing functions    
Enumerate ports, retrieve list of paper sizes, retrieve list of paper trays, list printer resolutions, set default printer      
Save printer information into a printer file      
Start print job, start print page, end print page, end print job, retrieve height and width of valid print area, list printer names      
Slideshow functions    
Sort by date, set slideshow border, retreive and set currently displayed slide, loop slideshow, set file types that can be loaded, set folders that can be loaded, reference image folder during execution of slideshow, set slide interval, retrieve total number of slides, set scroll step and direction, set file sort method, clear slide, first, last, next, previous, open, close, start, stop, etc.          
Web Camera functions   Windows Form
Capture web camera images (supports AVI format only)          
Capture web camera images (supports AVI and WMV formats, can change output size with method call)        
Preview available          
Preview available (can change preview size with method call)        
Play web camera movies      
Quick Navigation;

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