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Equisys Zetafax

Zetafax - fax server software for business

Zetafax is our award winning fax server software that delivers secure, fast and cost effective document distribution.

Simple to install, easy to manage and highly reliable, Equisys has a proven track record in providing businesses with complete fax server solutions that generate real cost savings whilst streamlining their business processes. This is why Zetafax is the proven choice of fax server for over 65,000 customers worldwide.

Zetafax is reliable fax server software that is easy-to-use, scalable and feature rich. Write, send, receive, forward and store fax documents directly from your desktop.

Now, Zetafax Duo adds the power and features of Zetadocs PDF to Zetafax, providing a highly visual 'document builder' to assist with the production of business documents for emailing as PDFs, as well as faxing.

The benefits of Zetafax:

Fax server software solutions hold a number of advantages over manual faxing:

•Reduction in costs associated with document delivery.

•Further reduction in costs through: •Automation of manual processes.

•Fax over Internet Protocol (FoIP) and support for SIP trunks

•Server virtualization

•Zetafax Online, a hybrid hosted solution

•Increased efficiency through integrated faxing from existing applications.

•Quick retrieval of documents through automatic fax archiving.

•Improved productivity through automation of costly manual processes

•Support for all major new Microsoft platforms, including support for Windows 10

•Support for the latest technologies, including Fax over Internet Protocol (FoIP) and virtualization.

•Integrate fax to other applications quickly and easily via the Automation Toolkit.

•Ensure paper documents sent via fax machines and multi-function devices are captured in the Zetafax archive with Fax Relay.

•Continuous and regular bug fixes.

Business class support:

As a leading provider of fax software solutions for business, Equisys are committed to ongoing development of Zetafax to ensure that it is fully compatible with the latest Microsoft platforms, and supports the latest technology. Also providing first class customer support, Equisys are perfectly placed to assist you in all of your faxing requirements both today and in the future.

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