TrueDTP is a professional and precise converter for every kind of CAD and DTP files. It enables DXF, DWG, DGN, DWF, HPGL and PDF files conversion into many vector and raster formats.
Batch conversion, path directory, conversion on a scale of 1:1 and many other conversion parameters make conversion flexible and adjusted to the user’s needs. The converter, which has a modern and user-friendly interface, can process layouts and supports SHX and Unicode fonts. TrueDTP is perfect for professional use, especially when reliability and precision are needed.
TrueDTP is a set of professional tools for DWG DGN DWF HPGL (plt) and PDF conversion into popular raster and vector formats.
TrueDTP is, above all, precise Batch-Mode conversion on a scale of 1:1, as well as many parameters adjusting the conversion process, user-friendly handling and conversion's high quality .
This application is essential for everyone who wants to:
•publish documentation on the Internet ,
•create multimedia presentations ,
•generate electronic catalogues ,
•archive data, for example in PDFA or TIFF formats
•create materials for small printing services .
TrueDTP supports the following formats:
• DWG,DXF v. 12-2014
•DWF (4,5,6)
•DGN 7,8 (2D)
•PDF New
•PDF , PDF/A-1a, PDF/A1-b
•TIFF, TIFF Multipage
•DWF (4,5,6)
•SVG (svgz)
•DXF DWG 12-2013
•SWF Flash
•AI 7,8 Adobe Illustrator
•DGN (2D)
TrueDTP Highlights:
Conversion on a scale of 1:1
Automatical paper size adjustment
Watch directory function
Document and folder single conversion
Multilingual user interface
Available as DLL component for software developers
Conversion directly from the Windows Explorer Menu
Batch Mode conversion
Model Space and Layout conversion
Output files publishment directly in the Internet
License available on USB
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