Powerful analytic tool
Data set comparison
Our Stock Chart supports multiple data sets each with its own independent data source. A user can use built-in controls to selectively compare data from each data source.
Dynamic data point grouping
The chart dynamically adjusts data granularity based on selected time range. It uses highly configurable data point aggregation logic to produce readable value representation, appropriate for each zoom level.
Multiple panels
Unclutter chart interface by grouping value graphs and indicators into separate synced panels.
Built-in change calculator
Plot graphs using absolute values or automatically recalculate as change – good for comparing value dynamics of datasets of different scales.
Period selection made easy
Besides regular zoom and pan tools, such as mouse, touch gestures or scrollbar, Stock Chart also incorporates selection by date or configurable predefined period buttons, including custom periods as well as YTD.
Rich in annotation options
Annotate the charts using trend lines, vertical or horizontal guides or bands as well as Stock Chart exclusive – Stock Events – to indicate key points in time.
True time-based chart
Natural date and time scale
Natural scale is important when plotting date- or time-based data. Therefore, Stock Chart will display the data as it happens, down to the millisecond precision.
Gaps in data
Stock Chart will intelligently detect when there are gaps in data and will either connect the adjacent data points or break the line – your call.
Date format support
We understand that sometimes you might not be in control how dates are formatted in the data. Therefor Stock Chart supports can accepts dates in wide variety of formats, including JavaScript Date objects, timestamps or its configurable string representations.
Zoom or pan serial charts, drill-down to other data levels, select slices, toggle graphs using legend, display HTML-rich contextual info, or draw trend lines directly on chart.
Export options
Annotate and export charts dynamically to various formats including static images, SVG, PDF, Excel, and CSV.
Load external data
Easily setup and load external data sources in JSON or CSV formats. Enable reloads. Add custom pre-processing functions.
Enhance charting capabilities with a range of plugins built by amCharts team.
Resize your browser window, rotate the phone, watch the chart not just take the new shape, but adapt its contents and controls accommodate available space. Use full-fledged responsive features transparently, or write your own responsive rules.
We made it extremely easily control the charts using touch gestures. Zoom, pan, click the charts, without sacrificing the general responsiveness of the web page.
As of version 3.20 JavaScript Stock Chart features extensive accessibility functionality right out-of-the-box. The product is fully compatible with standard-based screen readers as well as W3C-approved properties for easy navigation between map elements for people with impaired vision or with mobility restrictions. The screen reader content is even customizable per your requirements. Visit our Accessibility center for more information.
Highly configurable and flexible
With hundreds of configuration options tailor the charts to fully suit your target functionality and appearance. Combine graph types, stack them, or even override built-in functionality with your own using callback functions.
Supports themes & CSS styling
Use one of the bundled beautiful themes, or build your own.
Apply CSS styling including transforms and animations to just about any chart element.
Unique styling options
Ever seen a chart that looks like it’s chalked down on a blackboard? Or scratched on a metal? Hand-drawn? It’s easy to enable using amChart’s unique options and themes.
Width just one setting, switch between nearly 30 languages bundled with our product. Or easily override any textual prompt with your own translation.
Powerful API
Update data, size or just about any other configuration variable dynamically, without reloading the page. Add graphs, legends, titles, guides, bullets, or change colors, switch between 3D settings on the fly via well-documented API. Tap into chart’s various events using custom handler functions.
Live-updated charts
Update data every second to create “live” charts. Simulate just about any interaction using API function calls.
Well supported
Supports wide range of browsers and platforms
JavaScript Charts supports all modern desktop and mobile browsers, as well as some of the older ones.
Backed by rock-solid support service
When we say we’re serious about user support, we truly mean it. Paid customers and free users, we’re always eager and ready to help. Read more on how we do it.
Available to download or via CDN
Download directly from our website or pull via GitHub, Bower, or npm. Or simply load directly via our super-reliable CDN. Your call. Get more details in Downloads.
Running WordPress? Use a native amCharts WordPress plugin to easily add charts to your posts or pages.
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