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There is no spelling error, word correction and translation do not need to waste time. Use Babylon to make it easier, faster and more effective to read or write other language materials.

Babylon 7's many new automation features can help you accomplish a lot of work:
Spell check - check your entire document

Exact dictionary - contains multiple languages

AutoComplete - Complete all your queries

Babylon 7 main function

Just click the mouse to get the dictionary and translation results

Click the mouse to translate the full text

You can spell check for Hotmail, Gmail, Blogs, and so on

automatic completion

Accurate dictionary


Babylon Toolbar

About Babylon's other content

skills requirement

Just click the mouse to get the dictionary and translation results

Babylon is a powerful and innovative translation and reference tool that is very easy to use. In any application - Excel, Word, PowerPoint Email, network, instant messaging, etc., just click on the text, you can immediately online and offline access to the dictionary, view a wide range of subjects and topics of the encyclopedia.

  Have a dictionary and translation in 75 languages
Babylon software provides results from 1,300 dictionaries and more than 75 languages.

Babylon consists of 33 constantly updated professional dictionaries in 17 languages. These 17 languages have their own language groups: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Jewish, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, Russian, Korean, Turkish , Arabic, Greek and Swedish.

Click the mouse to translate the full text

Babylon offers full translation in 17 languages, all of which only need to click the mouse to complete. The text translation has never been as simple as this. Do not need to open another window or copy / paste. Any words in the text do not understand the words, Babylon will automatically identify the entire paragraph, and the need to translate the text over. Although machine translation can not be as accurate as manual translation, and even completely the same as manual translation. However, this shortcoming has been made up through the text of the translation technology, you can help you understand those you do not understand the text language.

Babylon text translation tools are available in the following languages:
English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Jewish, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, Russian, Korean, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Polish and Ukrainian language.

Hotmail, Gmail, Blogs, online forms, etc. to spell check

Now you can spell correctly in more than 15 languages. Babylon7 can be online when you are online - for example, e-mail, microblogging time, for your immediate inspection, and correct the error in the article. The spelling checker is provided with spelling suggestions when translations and dictionaries appear.

automatic completion

What if you do not remember the word you need or how to spell it? Having Babylon 7 is now easy. Just typing, Babylon 7 can predict the word or phrase you want, and automatically provide the option to help you finish the word spelling.

Accurate dictionary

Can be translated in any language. Babylon 7 can automatically identify and use the language you need and provide the results. Can be translated into German, Swedish for Italian, Japanese for Turkish and so on.


Babylon can provide you with the way you want to use. Babylon 7 allows you to design a personalized interface based on your preferences. Change skin and background color, font size, transparency, command results, and so on.

Babylon Toolbar

In your browser using the Babylon toolbar, you can get quick search and translation results.

Babylon's other content

Babylon can provide Wikipedia with 13 language results. Wikipedia is the largest encyclopedia of Wikipedia on the Internet, covering more than 4.4 million articles and definitions, and is constantly updated, covering the latest events and innovations.

Quick Navigation;

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