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StuffIt Deluxe Mac

StuffIt Deluxe Mac 16

With StuffIt Destinations, StuffIt Archive Manager & StuffIt Magic Menu.

Easily compress and send your files with StuffIt Deluxe® Mac.

StuffIt Deluxe's advanced compression technology shrinks your photos, music and other documents without reducing quality. Securely upload, access and share your files from anywhere, including Dropbox®, Google Drive®, Microsoft One Drive® and SendStuffNow. StuffIt is your one stop file transfer solution offering support for FTP, email, cloud storage integration and more. Includes StuffIt Destinations®, StuffIt Archive Manager®, StuffIt Magic Menu® and Stuffit Expander®. StuffIt makes your files as mobile as you are!

StuffIt Destinations - File Packaging & Delivery Made Dead Simple!

StuffIt Destinations™ takes the work out of sending files. We rarely just want to compress files; we almost always want them to go somewhere, or to someone. StuffIt Destinations lets you drag and drop files onto any destination tile, where it packages the files and delivers them to a pre-set destination. Easily add custom tiles to your StuffIt Destinations toolbar.

Keep the StuffIt Destinations tool bar floating in a corner on your desktop and you'll have instant access to compress and send your files any way and anywhere you want them to go.

StuffIt Deluxe Mac Protection and Encryption

Whether you're sending a sensitive file to someone or you want to protect files on your hard drive from prying eyes, creating an encrypted archive is the right solution. StuffIt Deluxe Mac 16 offers best-in-class protection and encrypts the entire archive to provide an extra layer of protection.

Create Personal Destination Tiles - StuffIt, Zip or Tar Compression

Add as many custom tiles as you want to the StuffIt Destinations toolbar. Just click on the "plus" button on the right and choose a destination type, an archive type, with or without encryption, and if you want to be notified when the action is complete you can also choose a notification option.

NEW Cloud Services Integration

StuffIt Destinations now supports Dropbox®, Google Drive® and Microsoft OneDrive®, and automates the sending of archived content to these services. Easily upload your archives and files to your favorite cloud service.

NEW StuffIt Destination Tiles can now be customized. Easily change the image, title, and description and get the look and feel and the functionality that you like.

NEW Architecture. StuffIt Deluxe is now 64-bit only and the minimum system requirement is 10.8

StuffIt Archive Manager

StuffIt Archive Manager provides more advanced features for creating, searching, and browsing archives. Browse and search inside the contents of StuffIt X, Zip, Tar, and RAR archives, including encoded archives, and compressed Tar archives (tarballs) without having to expand them.

Schedule Automatic Backups - Pick a Time, a Save Location, the File Criteria. Done!

StuffIt Scheduler is designed to provide a simple, easy to use, personal backup solution. Use StuffIt Scheduler to schedule automatic file backups, and you can save the backup archives you create to CDs, DVDs, external drives and FTP servers.

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