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KS-Soft Advanced Host Monitor

HostMonitor is a highly scalable network monitoring software

suitable for small and enterprise-level networks

Probably you will say "There are dozens of programs like this"? That is right! But please check what HostMonitor offers and compare its power and flexibility to surprisingly low price:

  • using 80 test methods our software can check almost any parameter of your servers;
  • highly flexible action profiles allow you to start actions in predefined order depending on the test results;
  • HostMonitor creates various log files using different detail levels and file formats (Text, HTML, DBF and ODBC);
  • built-in Report Manager allows you to create and customize reports to your liking in a variety of ways;
  • using Remote Monitoring Agents for Windows, FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD and Solaris you may easily monitor remote networks;
  • Web Service, Telnet Service and Remote Control Console simplifies remote management;
  • and this is not all...

Advanced Host Monitor 10.30

New features (HostMonitor and RMA for Windows):

New test method HDD SMART

Checks hard disk health, temperature and other parameters using S.M.A.R.T. data; it can be effectively used to prevent HDD data loss

New test method Interfaces status

This test allows you to check all or some specific interfaces on SNMP enabled device (server, router, etc). HostMonitor may warn you when network interface goes down or changes its administrative and/or operative status

New macro variables related to HDD SMART test methods:













New macro variables related to Interfaces Status test methods:





Improvements  HostMonitor and RMA test improvement

SSH test supports RSA keys (ssh-rsa). New code considered as experimental and disabled by default. You may enable it individually for HostMonitor or some RMA agents - add SSHMode=1 line into [Misc] section of hostmon.ini file and restart HostMonitor (modify rma.ini file instead of hostmon.ini if you want to enable this option for Remote Monitoring Agent)

When test performed by HostMonitor then %AgentAddr% variable returns "localhost" string. You may tell HostMonitor to use real IP address of the system (system where HostMonitor is running) instead: add HMIPforAgentAddr=1 line into [Misc] section of hostmon.ini file and restart HostMonitor

Improvements  HostMonitor and RCC GUI improvements

If you setup HDD SMART test items then 3 new modules designed for Top Hosts pane may show oldest, hottest and worst HDD disks among all monitored systems:

oldest - disks with highest power-on days counter;

hottest - disks with highest current temperature;

most bad sectors - disks with highest number of relocated, pending and uncorrectable sectors

Improved "Choose network interface" dialog window (used by Traffic Monitor and Interfaces status test methods) and "Network interfaces" page displayed by System Info tool:

- in addition to current operative status HostMonitor retrieves and shows admin (desired) status for each interface;

- also when device has a lot of interfaces, new HostMonitor, RCC and RMA retrieve necessary data from SNMP agent faster than previous versions

Minor improvements related to RCC GUI

   Improvements  Web Service improvements

If you setup HDD SMART test items then 3 new modules designed for Top Hosts pane may show oldest, hottest and worst HDD disks among all monitored systems:

oldest - disks with highest power-on days counter;

hottest - disks with highest current temperature;

most bad sectors - disks with highest number of relocated, pending and uncorrectable sectors

Top Hosts pane allows you to move (drag&drop) groups, e.g. you can move "Network: slowest web site" group to the right column

Some corrections related to "multi-byte" languages such as Japaneese, Chineese, Korean

   Fixed  The following issue was resolved

When you create new test items (using Network Map Add or Clone operation) then HostMonitor could create new folders with invalid variable name (var_targetIP instead of fvar_targetip). Fixed

Advanced Host Monitor package is available in several licensing options. Choose the one that best suits your needs:

Tools, services \ License Lite Standard Professional Enterprise   SPL
HostMonitor (# of test items) 50 200 600 100,000   200,000
  Replicator 1 1 1 1   Service Provider License allows service providers to deliver monitoring solutions to end customers on a rental, subscription or services basis.
For example you may install HostMonitor and Web Service on your own system and install RMA agents and RCC consoles on systems that belong to your customers.
  WMI Explorer - 1 1 1  
  HML Manager - 1 1 1  
  Log Analyzer and Log Visualizer - - 1 1  
  MIB Browser - - 1 1  
  Process Meter - - 1 1  
  IP-Tools - - - 1  
  Remote Monitoring Agents - - - 10  
  RMA Manager - - - 1  
  Telnet service
  Web service
  Watchdog - - - 1  
Free updates term 6 months 6 months 6** months 12 months   12 months
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