AddFlow  AmCharts JavaScript Stock Chart AmCharts 4: Charts Aspose.Total for Java Altova SchemaAgent Altova DatabaseSpy Altova MobileTogether Altova UModel  Altova MapForce Altova MapForce Server Altova Authentic Aspose.Total for .NET Altova RaptorXML Server ComponentOne Ultimate Chart FX for SharePoint Chart FX CodeCharge Studio ComponentOne Enterprise combit Report Server Combit List & Label 22 Controls for Visual C++ MFC Chart Pro for Visual C ++ MFC DbVisualizer version 12.1 DemoCharge DXperience Subscription .NET DevExpress Universal Subscription Essential Studio for ASP.NET MVC FusionCharts Suite XT FusionCharts for Flex  FusionExport V2.0 GrapeCity TX Text Control .NET for WPF GrapeCity Spread Studio Highcharts Gantt Highcharts 10.0 版 HelpNDoc Infragistics Ultimate  ImageKit9 ActiveX ImageKit.NET JetBrains--Fleet JetBrains-DataSpell JetBrains--DataGrip jQuery EasyUI jChart FX Plus OPC DA .NET Server Toolkit  OSS ASN.1/C Oxygen XML Author  OSS 4G NAS/C, C++ Encoder Decoder Library OSS ASN.1 Tools for C with 4G S1/X2 OSS ASN.1/C# OSS ASN.1/JAVA OSS ASN.1/C++ OPC HDA .NET Server Toolkit OPC DA .Net Client Development Component PowerBuilder redgate NET Developer Bundle Report Control for Visual C++ MFC  Sencha Test SPC Control Chart Tools for .Net Stimulsoft Reports.PHP Stimulsoft Reports.JS Stimulsoft Reports.Java Stimulsoft Reports. Ultimate Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf Stimulsoft Reports.Silverlight SlickEdit Source Insight Software Verify .Net Coverage Validator Toolkit Pro for VisualC++MFC TeeChart .NET Telerik DevCraft Complete Altova XMLSpy Zend Server

DbVisualizer version 12.1






DbVisualizer is developed in its current version 12.1 after more than ten years of interaction with commercial customers. By any standard, DbVisualizer is successful, with 23,500 client organizations in 143 countries, ranging from self-employed consultants to major institutions and global companies, some of which have more than 8,000 licenses.

DbVisualizer is a feature rich, intuitive multi-database tool for developers, analysts and database administrators, providing a single powerful interface across a wide variety of operating systems. With its easy-to-use and clean interface, DbVisualizer has proven to be one of the most cost effective database tools available, yet to mention that it runs on all major operating systems and supports all major RDBMS that are available. Users only need to learn and master one application. DbVisualizer integrates transparently with the operating system being used.

One tool for all databases and OSes

DbVisualizer is the ultimate database tool for developers, analysts and DBAs. It runs on all major OSes and connects to all major databases.


What's new in release 12.1

Database profiles in DbVisualizer Free

A database profile in DbVisualizer is specific for each supported database and defines what database objects are supported, the actions to operate on them, and what viewers are available. To prepare for some really interesting future updates, we're happy to announce that database profiles are now available DbVisualizer Free.

The following sample is for Oracle showing how it used to look (left) and with the change in the new version (right).




Native window decorations and embedded menu bar in Windows 10

DbVisualizer now adjusts the window decorations to match the current light or dark theme. The main menu bar is now also embedded (configurable) with the window title to comply with the most recent look and feel in Windows.



Add capability to mount any folder in the Scripts tab

A new option in the Scripts tab is to mount remote file folders. This is useful when having script files in for example DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive, and other network folders.



Bundled demo database

To get up and running quickly, there is a new bundled demo database in DbVisualizer. This uses the embedded H2 database and comes with a full schema, including data and sample scripts. Use the demo database to quickly get started and explore the feature set in DbVisualizer.  

Install it using Help->Install Demo DB and Samples.



Application Font

It is now possible to control application font in addition to Grid and Text Editor settings.



... and more

  • Improved support for rearrange of columns in grid column chooser
  • Database object filters can now be rearranged
  • Separate SQL formatter settings for SELECT and DECODE
  • General improvements in the light and dark themes



12.1.2 released on 2021-08-25

Bugs Fixed

DB Support: MySQL

The default useSSL=false driver property is converted by driver to useSSL=true if not explicitly set to false as a parameter at connect


DB Support: Oracle

Stopping an execution in Oracle closes the connection


DB Support: Oracle

Database Objects Tree

When cancelling a database query in a DataView grid, connection may close


DB Support: Redshift

Upgrade the Redshift driver to version



Export in XLSX to an existing read-only file doesn't show any error

"The workbook already contains a sheet named X" error when export in Excel format


Export/Import User Settings

Trying to import an invalid file such as Excel in File->Import User Settings results in an error


OS Support: Windows

IllegalStateException: Stopwatch already started


SQL Commander

Reload in the result set tab and then stop while fetching results, yields in no partial result set being displayed


SQL Formatter

Formatting function in SQL editor will alter SQL statements making them incorrect



12.1.1 released on 2021-07-23

Bugs Fixed


Compare grid ignores differences


DB Support: MySQL

Data tab

Data changed in a SQL commander is not visible in the Data Tab


DB Support: PostgreSQL

DDL Generator

Some data views are unavailable when in evaluation mode


Data tab

The visibility of the Data tab filter pane is not preserved at restart


Database Profile: View

DataView could not be created for viewer='xxx'!



12.1 released on 2021-07-13


Database Profile

Enable database profiles in DbVisualizer Free


Filtering/Filter Sets

The objects filtering grid should allow re-arranging rows with DnD and new move actions in the right-click menu



Add new startup dialog for DbVisualizer Free users

Add new Help->Welcome screen to guide new (and current) users

Provide a demo database with DbVisualizer


Grid Component

Support multi line selection and move rows with DnD and actions in grid columns chooser dialog and also in database objects filter pane


OS Support: Windows

Native window decorations and embedded menu bar in Windows 10


OS Support: Windows

Theme: FlatLaf

Add setting to control the embedded toolbar in Windows 10+


OS Support: Windows

Theme: FlatLaf

Tool Properties

Allow setting application font (in addition to the existing grid and editor fonts)


SQL Formatter

Separate format settings for SELECT and DECODE



Add capability to mount any directory in the Scripts tab



Remove the optional theme selector dialog at startup and the "Ask at Startup" checkbox in the Appearance tool property pane


Bugs Fixed

DB Support: PostgreSQL

RULE objects are not shown for Tables in PostgreSQL

Quick Navigation;

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