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SuperMix combines the functionality of four mixed-effects programs, MIXREG, MIXOR, MIXNO, and MIXPREG, developed by Donald Hedeker and Robert Gibbons into a single application to provide estimates for mixed-effects regression models. SuperMix has been developed by SSI under an SBIR Phase II contract N44MH32056, and has been released in September 2008.

SuperMix will fit models with continuous, count, ordinal, nominal, and survival outcome variables with nested data, allowing for up to three levels of nesting. Key features are listed below.

  • Easy to use graphical user interface: import data into the SuperMix spreadsheet, then build new models using menus and dialog boxes.
  • Mixed-effects models for continuous outcome variables with auto-correlated residuals.
  • Mixed-effects models for ordinal regression analysis, including non-proportional odds models and scaling effects.
  • Mixed-effects models for Poisson regression analysis.
  • Mixed-effects models for nominal logistic regression analysis.
  • Mixed-effects models for grouped-time survival analysis.
  • Two- and three-level models allowing for nested designs.
  • Presentation quality graphics.
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