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NTP Software VFM

File Data Archiving to Reduce the Cost of File Data Migration

Throughout history, data file storage patterns have become eerily predictable. Your company would designate a central silo to store user files, and as file data grew, you would add and save data until the silo was full ― then you’d purchase a bigger silo to add capacity. But the cost of this data management has become prohibitive to a point where you need a better solution.

Enter file data tiering and archiving, which helps you reduce the cost of file data storage and file data management.

Why is file data tiering and archiving important?

With file data archiving, you can designate how your data files are stored and where they are archived. Data archiving moves your files from primary to secondary and even tertiary storage levels automatically according to your preset archiving policies. After all, not all of your unstructured data files are of equal importance ― and industry statistics estimate that up to 80% will remain inactive after they are created. Given these numbers, why would you use your high-value primary storage to contain your low-value data files?

NTP Software’s VFM makes data archiving simple, seamless and automatic. It optimizes data migration by following the preset standards that you create based on storage events. With VFM, you avoid having to configure multiple solutions through many interfaces; VFM filters and moves your file data automatically in a way that is completely invisible to users. Its the ideal unstructured file data archiving software.

How is NTP Software’s approach to file data tiering different?

We are focused on solutions that make a difference to your file data storage – and your budget. Our patented file data management software solutions are designed to support multiple data centers and thousands of users. Unlike some of our competitors, we are committed to open solutions without a vendor lock in ― that’s the NTP Software advantage.

NTP Software’s VFM delivers data tiering and archiving that reduces the cost of file data management:

Enables the use of many stub types

Provides the ability for stubless tiering with file access via the recovery portal

Tiers and archives to and from all major platforms

Allows for archiving by policy, end user, or a combination or the two

Moves file date to primary, secondary, and other storage levels automatically

Reduces costly supplemental storage silos

We are focused on solutions that make a difference to your unstructured file data storage - and your budget. Our patented software solutions are designed to support multiple data centers and thousands of users. Unlike some of our competitors, we are committed to open solutions without vendor lock in ― that’s the NTP Software advantage. NTP Software’s VFM delivers file data archiving to reduce the cost of file data migration:

Use or abuse?

Not all file data is created equal. In fact, almost half of all new files are never touched again! Stop wasting valuable resources on inactive files.

Put data in the right place

Leverage an automated, policy driven tiering engine to put inactive files where they belong— out of your primary storage and onto a cheaper Tier 2.

Empower your users

More often than not, your users know whether they will need a file again. Let users decide if a file should be archived.

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