A Flexible and Progressive SCADA Solution
Information modeling adds structure and consistency to your SCADA system, helping to improve production quality, reduce risk and associated cost, decrease time to market, and manage growth and change.
Aggregate, Archive and Organize------Consolidate and Organize Disparate Data for Real-Time Monitoring and Control
Status Enterprise collects and organizes data from thousands of potential sources for real-time visualization, automation, and analysis. Data is collected from various locations and aggregated into an information model. The system is open, accessible by REST, OPC UA or our .NET object model. Clients can view screens from a high performance Windows client, or any mobile device supporting HTML 5 - including iPhone, iPad, Android devices and desktop browsers.
More than Remote Monitoring and Alarming------Status Enterprise Users Are Getting More from Their SCADA System Software
Status Enterprise is built on OPC UA (Unified Architecture) and has the ability to support millions of assets through information modeling. The system includes data connectivity for thousands of devices and systems, including: OPC UA, OPC DA, SNMP, MQTT, Domoticz, Empress, SQL and ODBC data sources, Excel workbooks, Allen Bradley, BACnet, Modbus and Siemens S7 devices, as well as Libelium, Advantech Wzzard, and B-Scada sensors. Custom data sources can also be supported.
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