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Sencha Test

The most comprehensive unit and end-to-end functional testing solution for Ext JS single page apps. Cross-browser testing solution ensures you deliver quality apps and reduce testing time. Sencha Test leverages the powerful Jasmine framework, so you can write tests in JavaScript.

Create robust tests that help you deliver quality apps

Sencha Test is the most comprehensive unit and end-to-end functional testing solution for Ext JS single page apps. Based on years of testing Ext JS applications, Sencha Test helps you create unit and end-to-end functional tests quickly, and execute them on multiple browsers simultaneously. Cross-browser testing is critical to ensuring quality for organizations, and test automation is a requirement to meet delivery timelines. Sencha Test is the only dedicated testing solution for Ext JS applications. It helps you build an end-to-end testing plan without having to cobble together testing tools.

Sencha Test leverages the powerful Jasmine framework, so tests can be written in JavaScript. The many assertions and matchers along with spies, stubs, and mocks can be used to create robust tests that help you deliver quality apps.

Sencha Test enables developers and test automation engineers to:

Improve the quality of Ext JS single page apps through end-to-end testing

Leverage unit and functional testing to increase developer productivity and accelerate release cycles

All of the Sencha Test components work together seamlessly to provide a comprehensive and integrated test environment designed to test Ext JS applications.

Sencha Ext JS




Ext JS (HTML5/JavaScript Framework)

Cmd (Build Optimization Tool)

Ext JS Stencils (Design Kit)

1 Year of Maintenance & Support

Visual Studio Code Plugin* (Productivity Tool)

IDE Plugins (Productivity Tools –
JetBrains, Visual Studio IDE, Eclipse)

Architect (Visual App Builder)


Themer (Styling Tool)


Inspector (Debugging Tool)


D3 Adapter (Data Visualization)


Pivot Grid (Data Analytics)


Calendar (Event Management)


Exporter (Data Export)


Quick Navigation;

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