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Altova MobileTogether



App Development for All Platforms

Powerful enough to build any data-centric app imaginable – in record time.


MobileTogether combines easy-to-use functionality for creating elegant apps with an affordable price that includes unlimited developers, unlimited apps, and unlimited users.




Build Enterprise Solutions

Develop sophisticated enterprise solutions for desktop and mobile devices




Create Mobile Apps

Develop native, data-driven apps for all platforms - faster than ever before




Unlimited Potential



The MobileTogether mobile development framework includes MobileTogether Designer, MobileTogether Server, and the optional MobileTogether Mobile App with pricing affordable for organizations of any size.


Unlimited Developers

MobileTogether is free-of-charge, so you can roll it out to as many developers as required by your organization or project.


Unlimited Apps

Your MobileTogether Server hosts your apps, providing connectivity to data sources and high- performance data processing. There is no limit to the number of apps you can host on your MobileTogether Server, which you can choose to deploy on premises or in the cloud.


Unlimited Users

MobileTogether Server is priced affordably, with per-core pricing starting at about $1000/year for an unlimited number of users. And, it’s available free for 30-days. This radically low pricing structure makes it possible for firms of all sizes to build and deploy five-star apps.


Customers Say

“I’ve found MobileTogether easy to use, even with my lack of experience.”



“I have been working on [my app] for over a year and have tried several different solutions, which could not do what you just did. Built it with MobileTogether Designer in about five days with your help. Can't say thank you enough. ”




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