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Computalabel MBC4




Easy, accurate barcode creation


High-quality barcodes that scan first time, every time have always been vital, but there is now an ever-increasing number of bar code styles in use.
Our aim at Computalabel International is to make barcode production as easy as possible.

MBC4 is a Mac barcode creator with all the features necessary for generating precise, accurate barcodes which always scan. Plus you get unrivalled support from the people who invented PostScript barcode software way back in 1988.
Over 200 different barcode types are supported from all the most popular symbologies such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, Code128, ISSN, Code 39, ITF and QR Codes! Plus, we've added DataMatrix, GS1-Databar, Intelligent Mail and Code 128 Subset A!

The MBC4 bar code generator saves barcodes as EPS, PDF, TIFF or JPEG files, ensuring maximum compatibility with your graphics and page-layout software, e.g. InDesign, Xpress, Adobe Illustrator, Word, etc.

Barcode data can be entered manually or imported from a spreadsheet or database file. MBC4 is also scriptable using AppleScript.


The MBC4.6 barcode software is fully compatible with all versions of OS X from 10.6 onwards, including Lion 10.7, Mountain Lion 10.8, Mavericks (10.9), Yosemite (10.10), El Capitan (10.11) and Sierra (10.12).




MBC4 produces accurate and precise barcodes which adhere to the official guidelines for each barcode type. Barcodes can be adjusted to compensate for the printing process you are using.

MBC4 checks the data that you enter to ensure you don't produce a bad barcode. The check digit is verified and the structure is checked against the official standards. MBC4 also limits the size of your barcode so you don't break the rules.

Hundreds of Barcode Types
All popular barcode types are supported, plus hundreds of less common types so you won't be stuck when your customer asks for an obscure layout.

Easy Barcode Selection
MBC4's range of barcode types is divided into 10 symbologies. Clicking on one of the buttons shows a list of sub-types. The Info box displays a description of each one.

MBC4 gives you full control over bar and background colors. You can even color-match to spot colors in external documents so the barcode is always on the right color speraration.

If you need automation in your workflow, MBC4 can be controlled from other applications by using AppleScript.


Batch Processing
As well as entering barcode data manually, you can also set up incrementing sequences or import all your barcode data (and text data) from an external file. Then just click the Run button and the entire batch of barcodes is saved to disk.

Text Saved as Outlines
There’s no need to send fonts with your barcode when the job goes to the printers. Many of the default fonts can be saved as PostScript outlines.

Barcodes saved into the "Templates" folder appear in MBC4's Templates Menu for easy access to your frequently used barcode styles.


Added text
In MBC4.4 you can add text in any font, style, size and position around the barcode and can even use parts of the barcode data.

Check for Updates
If you switch on “Check for Updates”, MBC4.4 will access the Computalabel website to check for free updates which you can download and install.

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