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DocsCorp pdfDocs

pdfDocs for PDF Creation


pdfDocs is a project-centric PDF management application that gives users the ability to create, collate, edit, redact, annotate and secure PDF content. Users can print, email and save documents from within the unique Organizer workspace as well as profile documents into a document management system.

Users can set up Organizer workspaces for specific cases, matters or projects complete with output and security settings, which can be shared on a network drive. pdfDocs integrates with business applications and systems.

pdfDocs can also be used to create electronic PDF binders. It automates the process of converting and assembling vast amounts of documents into a single or multi-PDF, which can be distributed to clients or third parties quickly and securely.

pdfDocs is available in Standard, Professional, and Enterprise editions depending on your requirements.


All versions of pdfDocs enable you to create and share PDF and PDF/A documents securely. You can also:

  • Collate multiple documents from different sources in project-centric workspaces
  • Enhance PDFs with headers/footers, page numbering, watermarks, stationery and security settings
  • Edit, OCR, collate, split files, redact and stamp documents with Bates numbering
  • Mark up and annotate documents for review
  • Create electronic PDF forms to capture business information and to apply digital signature to streamline workflows and approval processes
  • Secure documents by preventing document changes


pdfDocs Professional provides you with the same functionality as the Standard version.

 In addition to integration with MS Office, pdfDocs Professional integrates out of the box with over 28 leading case, document and practice management systems to enhance business efficiency, productivity and workflow.

  • Right-click and convert document to PDF within the document management system
  • Save and profile external PDFs into the document management system
  • Single-click to convert and save a Word document into the document management system as a PDF



pdfDocs Enterprise includes a binder capability that automates the process of converting and assembling vast amounts of documents into a single or multi-PDF.

  • Documents and folders, even folders with sub-folders from a MS Window file or document management system can be easily added to the Binder
  • The documents and folders can be rearranged within the Binder with drag and drop ease, adding headers/footers, a cover page, links, bookmarks, page numbering and security settings.
  • The Binder can be output to CD, complete with a printable and interactive Table of Contents to help readers navigate.



  • Epona
  • Formpipe
  • iManage Work
  • Laserforms
  • LexisNexis
  • MS Office
  • MS SharePoint
  • ndOffice
  • NetDocuments
  • OpenText Content Server
  • OpenText eDOCS DM
  • OpenText Enterprise Connect
  • ProLaw
  • Worldox


 Sys Reqs

Operating Systems

  • Microsoft® Windows Server 2016, 2012 R2 or 2008 R2
  • Terminal Services/Citrix XenApps on the above OS
  • Microsoft® Windows®10. 8.1, 8 or 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)


  • .NET Framework 4.6 or 4.5.2 for pdfDocs 4.5
  • .NET Framework 4.5 or higher for pdfDocs 4.4
  • MS Office 2016, 2013 or 2010 (32-bit or 64-bit) or 365
  • MS Outlook 2010, 2013, 2016

Hard Disk

  • Single or Multi-core CPU
  • 2GB minimum free disk space
  • 2GB RAM

pdfDocs Insights

pdfDocs is used daily by over 250,000 people around the world to create, edit, and collate PDFs

Over 100 government departments use pdfDocs to create electronic binders


Powerful collation and binding capability can save up to 3 hours per week 


Reduce time spent on electronic binder creation by as much as 75% 

pdfDocs is certified Citrix Ready so our users know that it will work effectively with Citrix Cloud XenApp and XenDesktop Service on Azure 

pdfDocs is compatible with Microsoft Office 2016 and Windows 10


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