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Formulasoft Active File Compare

Program description

Active File Compare is an advanced utility for the comparison and synchronization of any text files in visual mode, it reports the results of the comparison in two side-by-side windows on the screen, the differing lines being marked with special color icons.

This utility is an excellent tool for comparing source code versions since it allows you to correct the source code and also supports syntax highlighting for the programming languages C++, C#, Java, Visual Basic, Delphi, Object Pascal, SQL, Perl, Assembler, Fortran, Foxpro etc. and for HTML, PHP, XML, INI and BAT files. You can also use it to manage the source code when several independent authors make changes.

The algorithm of comparing is designed in such a way that it's always very accurate in finding differences both in small text files and in files with a large number of changes.

Active File Compare has its own File Manager consisting of two side by side windows. It allows for the comparing of two folders' contents, loading files for further work, copying files and folders etc. You can control the list of files to be displayed in the File Manager by using filters.

Feature List


Compares text files and folders

 The advanced and high speed comparison algorithm

 Compares the contents of two folders

 Creates the File Differences Report as a HTML file or a Unix Diff file

 Compares files which exist in Zip, Tar and GZip archive files


Compares files side-by-side

 Highlights syntax for C++, C#, Java, Delphi, Pascal, Visual Basic, SQL, HTML, PHP, XML, Perl, Assembler, Fortran, Foxpro etc

 Highlights differences down to the level of characters

 Thumbnail View for graphical presentation of differences

 Multilingual interface


Synchronization of fragments with differences

 Edit files and edit individual lines after comparison

 Insert selected lines from one file into other file

 Search the text

•File Manager:

 Two side-by-side windows

 File filter

 Sort by Name, Extension, Date Modified, Size

 Copy, Move, Delete and Rename files

 Zip, Tar and GZip archives support. Treats archive files as folders


 Supports Project Settings

 Supports Command Line Options

 Supports UNICODE text files

What our users are saying:

I always register products that I actually use. Yours turned out to be more effective than the others I evaluated. Most of them "lose sync" if there are too many differences. Your program is better than most.

Andy Esslinger Weatherford

I have tested many other file comparators, but I prefer AFC, for:

 a) file manager is effective and easy to use. The filter is fully customizable. Both sides are automatically set to the same file.

 b) Is easy to see how many and where are the differences between two files looking and pointing over the left coloured ruler.

 c) Sinchronize is easy and practical also.

 d) I have changed my way of work. I use your AFC for made little modifications to my software modules, because I can see easily at the same time the old and the new files and compare it and check the modifications.

 Ferran Yago Garcia

I chose your product over the many others I have looked for a few reasons.

 1. Full of features.

 2. Easy to use

 3. Handles many file types

 4. The price for all of the above is EXCELLENT.

 Gary D. Ritter

 Bottomline Technologies



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