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NetTerm - The Ultimate Telnet Experience!

  • NetTerm is a network terminal which can act as a telnet client, direct connect terminal and modem connected terminal to hosts that support the telnet protocol or dial-in modems.
  • Emulation support includes VT-52, VT-100, VT-102, VT-220, VT-320, ANSI, ANSI-BBS, SCO-ANSI, QNX-2, IBM-3101, IBM-3151, IBM-3161, IBM-3163, FTTERM, Televideo 925, Wyse 50, Wyse 60, Nixdorf BA-80, and XTERM terminals.
  • NetTerm supports password, SRP and Microsoft NTLM authentication.  The authentication method selected is determined automatically through a series of message exchanges with the host during the connection phase.
  • Files can be transferred with the zmodem file transfer protocol.
  • The NetTerm printing abilities has been acknowledged as providing the most feature rich terminal printing support of any terminal emulator.  Both text and graphic reports can be produced on any Windows based printer, whether ocally or remotely attached. The unique ability to bypass the Windows based printer drivers allow reports to be sent directly to the Windows spool queue. This allows host programmers to control printers through its native application programming interface, providing exact font, font size and graphical content.
  • Screen resizing by NAWS and the standard UNIX resize command.
  • The ability to edit a text host file on your local workstation.  The supplied program, netedit.c, can be uploaded to your host and compiled to support local editing.  You can then use netedit to download a file to your workstation, and start your user defined editor.  Once the edit operation is complete, the file will be transferred back to the host.  The more advanced UNIX script, se, can be used to download and edit all file types, including binary files.  The se script will use zmodem to download/upload the file, and will start the workstation program based upon the file extention.
  • NetTerm has been selected by many medical professionals to interact with the medical databases maintained by the National Institutes of Health.
  • Text can be selected with the traditional Microsoft Windows mouse text selection, as well as a multiple page, block text selection method.  The block text selection method allows for the upper left and lower right boundry of the text block to be specified using the Shift-Left mouse click.  This method provides text selection support for the current screen, as well as the entire scroll buffer.
  • Supported languages include English, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Castilian Spanish, German, and both versions of Chinese, traditional and simplified.  The Chinese languages require the use of third party products
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