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OPC HDA .NET Server Toolkit

OPC HDA .NET Server Toolkit 

OPC Historian .NET Server Toolkit

The HDANSrv OPC Historian Server Toolkit enables users to implement OPC HDA compliant servers with C# or VB.NET. 
The COM client interface and the wrapping to .NET data types is handled in the generic toolkit server component.
To make the toolkit easy to use and understand the server code is structured in three layers:

  • Generic OPC HDA COM server
    Handles the client COM interface and the .NET wrapping. The data is converted to/from .NET data types.
    There are no application specific features. The provided implementation doesn't require any application adaptations.
  • Base Customization .NET plug-in assembly
    Does the basic OPC HDA compliant request handling. The provided C# and VB.NET implementation handles most application requirements. Application specific adaptations may be necessary for optimized server performance.
  • Database Access .NET plug-in assembly.
    This layer handles the application specific database access and data processing supported by the server.
    The provided sample implementation handles a text file database.

The provided sample servers are tested with the OPC Foundation Compliance Test Tool for full OPC HDA 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 compliance.

Complete source code is available and the code is well structured and extensively documented. The custom server development can be as simple as adapting one database access method.
To achieve top performance it may be necessary to adapt the provided Base Customization .NET plug-in assembly implementation.

Standard Edition Server Toolkit Features


OPC HDA V1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 compliant



Generic server as a local/remote COM server with a high performance .NET wrapper. Works in 32-bit and 64-bit mode with the same customization plug-in assembly.
The server can be registered to run as a process or a Windows Service.



Application specific handling is in.NET Assemblies that can be coded with VB.Net, C# or any .NET compiler.



C# amd VB.NET source code of the base customization plug-in is provided with the Site license.



The documentation is supplied as a Windows help CHM file and as a Help2 component that integrates into the Visual Studio help system and offers context sensitive help.



Test client that allows the interactive execution of all OPC HDA defined functions.



Simple deployment.



The Standard Edition supports of all mandatory HDA features and the optional asynchronous read functions.



Developer license with one time fee, no run-time licenses required.



The license includes an Updates/Support subscription for 90 days.


Access from UA Clients

The UAtoCOM converter server enables UA client applications to access the HDANSrv based OPC HDA servers.
With access either direct or thru the converter server OPC HDA and OPC UA clients can simultanously access the same HDA server.

Professional Edition Server Toolkit Features


All features of the Standard Edition


Additionally supports the optional OPC HDA Update, Playback and Annotations features.


Complete source code of the generic server and the plug-in customization assemblies for the sample text file database server implementation. The generic server is coded in C++ and the sample server are provided in C# and VB .Net.


System Requirements


Windows 8/7, Vista, XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003/2008/2012 
.NET Framework 2.0/3.0/3.5 or Framework 4.0/4.5


Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013
Visual Basic or C#


Server Development

The generic server converts all client call parameters to .Net types and calls the appropriate method in the customization plug-in. All application specific server handling can be implemented in C# or VB.Net, using only .Net data types.
The provided sample servers are used as the starting point for custom server development projects. Depending on the application requirements the server development can be as simple as adapting the database read methods.

OPC Standard Compliance
The provided sample server implementation is tested with the OPC Foundation Compliance Test Tool for compliance with the OPC HDA V1.0/1.1/1.2 specifications.

Visual Studio Integrated Help
The server documentation is provided as a Windows help CHM file and as a Help2 component that plugs into Visual Studio help and supports Context sensitive help that displays the needed information without long searches, just click F1 on the name.


Test Client
All OPC HDA defined functions can be called interactively. 
This test client is a .Net application, built with the OPCHDA.NET component, which is available as a separate product.



Product SKU Description
Evaluation License HDANSP-EV

The Evaluation License grants the non-exclusive right to use the software and accompanying documentation for internal evaluation and testing purposes only. It may be used on multiple computers and by multiple users but may not be re-distributed to other locations.
The evaluation software has the functionality of the Professional Edition. It has a run-time limitation and has to be restarted after 30 minutes. Source code is provided only for the database access customization layer. Performance optimizations may not be possible.

Standard Edition, Single Developer License HDANS-DL

The Single Developer License grants a single developer the non-exclusive right to use the software on computers within a single software development site owned by the licensee. The license can be transferred on a permanent basis to another developer within the same organization. The software may be distributed as part of the licensee's products, free of run-time royalties. The license includes a support/updates subscription for 90 days. Please read the full license agreement.
The Standard Edition supports all mandatory and some optional OPC HDA features.
Source code is provided only for the database access customization layer. Performance optimizations may not be possible.

Professional Edition, Single Developer License HDANSP-DL

The Single Developer License grants a single developer the non-exclusive right to use the software on computers within a single software development site owned by the licensee. The license can be transferred on a permanent basis to another developer within the same organization. The software may be distributed as part of the licensee's products, free of run-time royalties. The license includes a support/updates subscription for 90 days. Please read the full license agreement.
The Professioanl Edition supports all mandatory and optional OPC HDA features.
Source code is provided for the DLLs of both customization layers.

Standard Edition, Company Site License HDANS-SL

The Company Site License grants the non-exclusive right to use the enclosed software and accompanying documentation on computers in a single software development site owned by the licensee for internal business purposes only.
The license includes a support/updates subscription for 90 days. Please read the full license agreement.
The Standard Edition supports all mandatory and some of the optional OPC HDA features. Source code is provided for the DLLs of both customization layers.

Professional Edition, Company Site Source License HDANSP-SL

The Company Site Source License grants the non-exclusive right to use the enclosed software and accompanying documentation (software) on computers, workstations or terminals in a single software development site owned by the licensee for internal business purposes only. The license includes a support/updates subscription for 90 days. Please read the full license agreement. 
The Professioanl Edition supports all mandatory and optional OPC HDA features. Full source code is provided.

Service Subscription Standard Edition Single Developer License HDANS-SVD

The Service Subscription entitles the owner to download product updates released within the subscription period and get free phone/email product support. The service subscription extends the subscription period for 12 month from the expiring date of the previous subscription respectively 15 month from the product purchase date.

Service Subscription Professional Edition Single Developer License HDANSP-SVD

The Service Subscription entitles the owner to download product updates released within the subscription period and get free phone/email product support. The service subscription extends the subscription period for 12 month from the expiring date of the previous subscription respectively 15 month from the product purchase date.

Service Subscription Standard Edition Site License HDANS-SV

The Service Subscription entitles the owner to download product updates released within the subscription period and get free phone/email product support. The service subscription extends the subscription period for 12 month from the expiring date of the previous subscription respectively 15 month from the product purchase date.

Service Subscription Professional Edition Site License HDANSP-SV

The Service Subscription entitles the owner to download product updates released within the subscription period and get free phone/email product support. The service subscription extends the subscription period for 12 month from the expiring date of the previous subscription respectively 15 month from the product purchase date.

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