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SPC Control Chart Tools for .Net

QCSPCChart CF - SPC Control Chart Tools for .Net Compact Framework

Version 2.0 - Special Note - QCSPCChart for .Net CF is at Revision 2.0 and does not include the following features found in the other version of this software: Named rule sets (Nelson, Juran, Hughes, Gitlow, AAIG, Westgard and Duncan), MAMR, MAMS and DPMO charts.

Add variable control charts (X-Bar R, X-Bar Sigma, Individual Range, Median Range, EWMA, MA and CuSum charts), attribute control charts (p-, np-, c-,  and u-charts),  frequency histograms, and Pareto charts to .Net Compact Framework applications using the SPC Control Chart Tools for .Net CF.

The Quinn-Curtis SPC Control Chart Tools for .Net Compact Framework (QCSPCChart CF for short) software is an object oriented, .Net CF based toolkit aimed at developers who want to add static and dynamic quality control charts to their C# and Visual Basic for .Net Compact Framework applications. Typical users are SPC engineers and other quality control professionals creating .Net based applications that will be used to monitor critical quality factors in manufacturing, process, and service industries. The feature rich toolkit includes templates for the most common SPC control chart types: variable control charts (X-Bar R, X-Bar Sigma, Individual Range, Median Range, EWMA, MA and CuSum charts), attribute control charts (p-, np-, c-,  and u-charts), frequency histogramsprobability charts and Pareto diagrams. The software will automatically calculate SPC control limits using historical data for the supported variable control chart and attribute control chart types. Alarms can be generated for standard +3 sigma control limits, or the Western Electric (WECO) Runtime Rules (1, 2, 3 and 4). Alarms can be color highlighted in the SPC charts and table.  It will also calculate process capability ratios (Cp, Cpl, Cpu, Cpk and Cpm) and process performance indices (Pp, Ppl, Ppu and Ppk). Users are able to interact with charts: adding annotations, defining custom tool-tips and editing notes. There is no comparable product for .Net CF available at any price.

It is very difficult to make SPC chart displays small enough to fit on the Windows Mobile, PDA, PC Phone, and other emulators that ship with Windows Visual Studio. Those emulators have tiny, tiny screens. While it is possible to run this software on small screens, it is assumed you want this software to run on dedicated Windows CE devices with a minimum screen resolution of 640 x 480. If you already have hardware that meets this requirement, you can use your actual hardware device as your development environment. If you have an emulator for your hardware (usually supplied by the hardware manufacturer as part of a development kit they sell), you can use that. All of the images on this page were create using a generic, standalone, Windows CE 5.0 emulator from Microsoft, set to a screen resolution of 800x600.

Key Benefits

Fast development time because of the use of advanced templates for the most common SPC Control charts

Charts have no limits on the number of data points or time frame

Integrated histograms and tables displays require no programming

Integrate with your database because the software is written and programmed using next generation programming languages Visual Basic .Net and C# for .Net CF.

Never miss an alarm condition, alarms can be strongly highlighted in charts and tables


Feature Summary

Includes the QCChart2D CF Charting software - The QCSPCChart CF software includes the complete QCChart2D CF software.

Visual Studio .Net - Compatible with Visual Studio .Net 2005/2008, Windows Mobile 5, 6.x,  and Microsoft .Net Compact Framework 2.0/3.5

Based on the .Net CF Drawing routines - Compatible with .Net CF components and applications.

100% Managed .Net CF Code - The software is entirely written in C#, resulting in provide better performance and scalability. Managed .Net CF code makes applications easier to deploy and maintain.

Variable Control Chart Templates - X-Bar R - (Mean and Range), X-Bar Sigma, (Mean and Sigma), Median and Range, X-R (Individual Range Chart), EWMA, MA and CuSum. A special version of the X-Bar Sigma chart supports variable sample sub-group sizes.

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