Polliwog PollEx PCB
Related FAQ While PCB Design tools are mostly reserved for PCB design engineers, frequently other engineering disciplines also need to access the design data throughout the PCB design and manufacturing process for reviewing and analyzing the design.
PollEx PCB allows users to view all PCB design objects in detail. PollEx PCB quickly reads entire PCB design data and provides users with convenient ways to explore the design details. Its flexible and intuitive GUIs allow users to easily view and modify ECAD files in various formats.
Its many features include query, measure, finding objects, and various reporting. This module is the basis of other PollEx suite of tools such as PollEx CP, PollEx DFM, and PollEx DFE.
Easy to Use (Intuitive GUI)
Usage is much simpler than that of PCB design tools.
Layer Setting Control
- Layer priority setup
- Artwork/physical order
- Layer composition
PCB Explorer
- Searches objects, components, nets...
- Searches linked objects
- Layer reverse view
- Components On/Off
- Routing On/Off
- Polygon Fill/No-fill
Accurate ECAD Reading without any Loss.
Can accurately read any complex shapes of ECADs.
Complex Plane Structure
- Can import copper polygon shapes from ECADs without any data loss.
- Meshed or partial plane structures are imported perfectly.
Net 2D/3D and Topology Viewer
- Composite net construction
- Tracking composing objects
- Displaying net topology with pin attributes
- Searching connected pins
PCB Data Generator
- Extracts all necessary data for documentation
- Outputs images of an area or whole size
- Links directly to Microsoft Excel Sheet
Net Analyzer
- Pin-to-pin length calculation
- Total length calculation
Mark-up with "Red Mark"
- Adding comments
- Attaching documents
- Saving and importing Red Mark files
- Automatic loading
Can Handle any EDA Formats
Can accurately read any complex shapes of ECADs.
Includes many features which are not available in PCB design tools.
Can export to various ECAE formats.
Can Add Features Requested by Users
Supports customization services.
Extends to other optional products (DFM, DFE, SI or Thermal).
Supports various API (Application Program Interface).
Extension of PollEx PCB
PollEx PCB is linked to other Polliwog product family.
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