Samplitude Pro X3
Professional audio editing & mastering
The future of audio production began over 25 years ago – with the first lines of code for Samplitude. Today, this powerful DAW is still setting new benchmarks and is a favorite among recording studios all over the world for its technological precision in the areas of audio editing and mastering.
From the initial idea to the final master.
Samplitude Pro X3 offers musicians, sound engineers and producers a professional virtual studio environment for music production. Configure Samplitude for each different stage of your project with the new mixer layouts
Recording & creation
Absolute sound neutrality & optimal latency management enable professional studio sound with extreme precision.
With custom workflows, flexible docking options and first-class tools, the program includes everything you need for transparent audio editing.
Mixing & mastering
Intuitive mixing, flexible routing and elegant automations offer support when mixing, so it's ideal for extensive arrangements.
Up to 70 GB sound content (Suite)Natively integrated ARA support
Multiple outputs for complex productions
VCA Fader for mixing
Up to 24 virtual instruments (Suite)Flexible plug-in routing32-bit floating point calculation
Spectral display and editing
Multiple outputs
ARA extension for VST with Celemony Melodyne essential
Discover a whole new world of audio editing. The VST extension ARA (Audio Random Access) enables closer interaction between Samplitude and Melodyne essential. This Grammy-awarding plug-in is a pioneer in the area of detailed audio editing. The essential version contains the main tool for editing pitch and tempo with absolute precision.
Orange Vocoder ME by Zynaptiq
From classic robot sounds to crazy harmonies, the Orange vocoder by Zynaptiq lets you navigate a world of experimental sound.
Mixer layouts
Select one of the mixer layouts and modify the width and height of individual channels. You can change the design in a matter of clicks, even when in the middle of a project.
Up to 24 virtual instruments (Suite)
From 80s drum patterns to the sacred sound of a Venetian organ: The new virtual instruments offer impressive sound design, intuitive controls and countless modulation options.
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