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Key Features

  • Quickly and easily configure sonar, sensors, and other hardware with the 3D Vessel Editor. Users can specify the type and positioning of all sensors in relation to a reference position.
  • Automatically calibrate sensor installation with the Patch Test Calibration utility. The utility corrects for roll, pitch, heading, position, and time offsets.
  • Create Whole-survey backscatter normalization for better looking mosaics.
  • Prepare to accept input from a wide range of sources including magnetometers, interferometers, sidescan sonars, sub-bottom profilers, and multibeam echo sounders.
  • Quantify the total vertical uncertainty (TVU) in your bathymetry survey using CUBE modeling and see it graphically presented. Also complies with NOAA requirements for IHO S-44 compliant surveys.

Sophisticated Real-Time Capabilities

  • Review and repair bathymetric navigation and attitude data. The Bathy Navigation and Attitude Editor allows users to accept or reject specific data collected in noisy environments.
  • Import, view, and edit tide and sound-velocity data. The Tide and Sound Velocity Editors allow for easy integration of complex data sets for Bathy computations.
  • Review and process potential anomalies in such categories as lasso/edit spikes and noise data based on visual choices. The 2D/3D Editor allows for recomputation with successive batches of unwanted data removed.
  • View, combine, and export co-located, sidescan, and bathy data.
  • Leverage modern survey calibration tools.
  • Take advantage of full support for wide-swath systems including interferometers and dual-headed multibeams.
  • Use whole-survey backscatter normalization for better looking mosaics.
  • Export data to more than a dozen GIS, CAD and image formats.
  • Integrate bathymetry with sidescan, subbottom and magnetometer data sets for complete geophysical analysis.

Real-time Data Acquisition

Sonar Vendors Supported:

  • EdgeTech 2200, 2205, 2400, 4600, 6205
  • Klein 5900 SS/Bathy
  • Kongsberg GeoSwath 4/Plus
  • Kongsberg Mesotech M3
  • LiDAR  Velodyne VLP-16
  • NORBIT  iWBMS support
  • PingDSP 3DSS-DX/SX-450
  • R2Sonic 2020, 2022, 2024
  • Teledyne RESON Seabat S7K

Post-Processing File Compatibility

SonarWiz is compatible with the following bathy file formats:


Extensive Post-Processing Capabilities

  • Integrate bathymetry with sidescan, sub-bottom, and magnetometer data sets for complete geophysical analysis.
  • Leverage AUV survey data including post-process navigation and attitude injection information.
  • Visualize and polish data with semi-automatic and manual tools in the 3D Area Editor.
  • Utilize efficient bathymetric editing tools.
  • Export data to more than a dozen GIS, CAD, and image formats; for example the CTI 3D Viewer allows for visualization of export results from XYZ (ASCII text), Surfer Grid (.grd), and Contours (.shp, .dxf, .kml).
  • Add gridded bathymetry. The new Bathy Gridder leverages a variety of interpolation methods to provide Bathy and sounding density grids. These grids appear in your project as a basemap or view in the CTI 3D viewer.
  • CUBE modeling allows you to quantify the total vertical uncertainty (TVU) in your bathymetry survey, and see it graphically presented also complying with NOAA requirements for IHO S-44 compliant surveys.
  • SYNC port/stbd settings, or track them independently.

Please see our Supported Interfaces and File Formats for a list of the many formats we support. If you don't see one you need just ask!


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