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Database&Technology--SimuGENS,Crowd Dynamics Simulator


SimuGENS is a software tool for the simulation of the crowd dynamics, entirely developed by D&T-SHRAIL Division, capable of realistically simulate the behavior of individuals (up to thousands), wall constraints and other typical elements of crowd situations (signs, danger, information, ...).


SimuGENS features a user-friendly graphical interface, which allows a quick setup of the analysis case and offers an immediate visualization the relevant parameters of the simulation.


SimuGENS is based on a representation of the individuals of the crowd by means of agents with partial behavior motion model on continuous unstructured space. This approach allows the accurate representation of arbitrary environments, complex barriers and large spaces without the constraints imposed by grid or cells structures.


Model of representation of supply

The SimuGENS model describes spaces as a continuum, where pedestrians move cause to following factors:destination of trip.informations (signs) present/active.kinematic features.presence of conflictual pedestrians, which disturb the path of simulated walker with their trajectories.


The elements of the simulation are:



Crowd dynamics study

Once the model representing a real situation is setup, SimuGENS evaluates for every time step the interaction between the various elements and calculates the dynamic of the individuals, determining the movement and updating positions.


At every moment, moreover, SimuGENS calculates the states of all the elements, allowing their monitoring and analysis during the simulation, storing them for later post-processing.


Visibility study

SimuGENS allows you to analyze symbols, signals, signs to determine the level of visibility or accessibility by individuals. This analysis can be an important decision support for safety concerns (placement of services, first aid etc..), placement of services (ticket machines, information kiosks etc..) and for the exploitation of commercial areas (lay-out of elements / exhibition areas, enhancement of levels of visibility, etc..).


Displaying charts

During the simulation, various charts can display global quantities, such as people flow or presence of individuals within selected areas. This monitoring may also be performed in real time.

It is also possible to select an individual to display the value of its states during the simulation.


2D display

The program allows also to display two dimensional real time maps, with the representation of:

Velocity vectors of .

Parameters of individuals such as pressure, density, speed, distance, travel time, etc.

Trace of the taken path.


3D visualizations

The program allows 3D view (virtual reality), rendering simple environments imported from CAD programs. 3D visualization can also run in real time (also based on the performance of the computer). The 3D visualizations can be exported in the form of images or as digital video. It is also possible to setup a subjective view, following the behavior of a specific individual during the simulation.


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