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EaseFilter File Access Control SDK

The EaseFilter File Access Control SDK is a file system filter driver, it can intercept requests targeted at a file system or another file system filter driver, it allows you to monitor or control the file I/O activities in file system level in real time, prevent your sensitive files from being accessed by unauthorized users or processes. You can control the file I/O activities on file system level, capture file open, create, overwrite, read, write, query file information, set file information, query security information, set security information, file rename, file delete, directory browsing and file close I/O requests.


The EaseFilter File Access Control Filter Driver SDK is a kernel-mode component that runs as part of the Windows executive above the file system. The EaseFilter file system filter driver can intercept requests targeted at a file system or another file system filter driver. By intercepting the request before it reaches its intended target, the filter driver can extend or replace functionality provided by the original target of the request. The EaseFilter file system filter driver can log, observe, modify, or even prevent the I/O operations for one or more file systems or file system volumes.



With file system control filter you can developer these kinds of software:

  • Create your Data protection Software. Block accessing your data based on your security policy, prevent data modification without permission.
  • Create your own encryption software via encrypt the write data and decrypt the read data.
  • Create your own custom security policies to control the file access.
  • Hide or replace the files in the directory. You can modify the directory buffer to hide some files or change file name.


EaseFilter file protector provides a comprehensive security solution for transparent file level encryption. It allows the file to be encrypted or decrypted transparently on-the-fly, every file will be encrypted with the unique encryption iv key, it can allow only authorized users or processes can access the encrypted files.


By registering the specific I/O events, you can fully control the I/O, your callback functions will be invoked for every registered I/O, you can allow, modify or block this I/O based on the I/O information. With the access rights setting, you can add or remove the access rights to the specific processes or users in the file filter rule. So, you can authorize the users or processes to access your protected files, you also can prevent your protected files from being accessed by the unauthorized users or processes.


To monitor or protect your file folder, you need to setup multiple file filter rules. In the file filter rule, you have to setup the file filter mask which is the unique index of the filter rule, you can setup the what processes or users can monitor the file I/O, you can filter the file I/O with the file open options, you can register the file change events or register the specific file I/Os.



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