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With extended support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and databases


Strong Code Insight

GoLand makes it very easy to read, write, and change Go code

On-the-fly error detection and suggestions for fixes, quick and safe refactorings with one-step undo, intelligent code completion, dead code detection, and documentation hints help all Go developers, from newbies to experienced professionals, to create fast, efficient, and reliable code.




Navigation & Search

Jump between types, files & other symbols

Exploring and understanding team, legacy, or foreign projects takes a lot of time and effort. GoLand code navigation helps you get around with instant switching to shadowed methods, implementations, usages, declarations, or interfaces implemented by types. Jump between types, files or any other symbols, or find their usages and examine them with convenient grouping by usage type.




Run & Debug

Powerful built-in tools help to run and debug your applications

Powerful built-in tools help to run and debug your applications. You can write and debug tests without any additional plugins or configuration effort, and test your applications right in the IDE. A built-in Code Coverage tool will make sure that your tests don’t miss anything important.



Integration with VCSs

Out-of-the-box support for Git, GitHub, and Mercurial

GoLand provides out-of-the-box support for Git, GitHub, and Mercurial. Perforce, ClearCase, and the others are supported by user-installable plugins.



More than just a Go IDE

GoLand wouldn’t be a true IDE without a rich set of tools

GoLand wouldn’t be a true IDE without a rich set of tools which, in addition to core Go development, support JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, SQL, Databases, Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform. All together, these capabilities make it perfectly equipped for working on any task, be it a modern web application or DevOps tools.





Customize, extend, and change everything to your taste

GoLand’s rich ecosystem includes more than 1000 plugins which can be used to tailor the IDE to your specific needs. Customize, extend, and change everything to your taste: from adding support for Angular and Vue.js projects, or getting a Nyan Cat progress bar, to setting a completely different IDE theme.







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