Nevron Chart For SharePoint
The most advanced chart web part available for WSS3.0, SharePoint 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019.
Nevron Chart for SharePoint
Deliver Advanced Charts inside any SharePoint page
Nevron Chart for SharePoint is an advanced web part, which delivers a complete and unmatched set of 2D and 3D charting types, highly customizable axes, advanced data analysis, numerous tuning options and stunning visual effects to your SharePoint sites.
It combines the industry leading Nevron Charting engine for ASP.NET together with the powerful Nevron Pivot Data Aggregation engine. This allows for virtually any SharePoint user to visually create advanced pivot charts with truly unique and impressive looks. That is why it is considered to be the Microsoft Excel Pivot Chart analog in SharePoint context.
Nevron Chart for SharePoint features:
- Seamless integration in WSS3.0, SharePoint 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019
- Superior set of 2D/3D charting types
- Unique pivot charting capabilities
- Web-based configuration interface
- Binding to diverse data sources
Charting Types-
Nevron Chart for SharePoint includes complete and unrivaled set of 2D and 3D charting types with many customization options is implemented to ensure that you have a superior set of data visualization methods “out of the box”.
Bar Charts (Horizontal and Vertical) - available in 2D and 3D
The Chart Web Part Bar & Column Chart type displays a sequence of horizontal or vertical bars (shapes) of lengths proportional to the value that they represent. Bar charts are usually used for comparing two or more values or representing the contribution of each value to a total (stacks).-
Area and Smooth Area Charts - available in 2D and 3D
The Chart Web Part Area Chart type displays a sequence of filled areas between the axis (or an origin line) and the value line. Area charts are usually used for comparing two or more values or representing the contribution of each value to a total (stacks), usually over time or other X measurement.
Smooth Area charts are similar to Standard Area charts, the difference being that the successive data points are connected with cubic spline segments instead of straight lines.-
Line, Smooth and Step Line Charts - available in 2D and 3D
The Chart Web Part Line Chart type displays a sequence of line segments that are sequentially connected. Line charts are usually used to show a trend or how a value contributes to a trend total (stacks), usually over time or other X measurement.
The Smooth Line Charts are similar to Line charts, the difference being that the successive data points are connected with cubic spline segments instead of straight lines.
The Step Line charts are similar to Line charts, the difference being that the successive data points are connected with horizontal and vertical segments instead of straight lines.-
Pie Charts - available in 2D and 3D
The Chart Web Part Pie Chart type is a circular chart divided into sectors, where the arc length of each sector is proportional to the quantity it represents. Pie Charts support the following labeling modes - Center, Rim, Spider and Non-Overlapping.-
Point Charts - available in 2D and 3D
The Chart Web Part Point charts display 1, 2 or 3-dimensional data as points in a Cartesian coordinate system. They are often used for XY and XYZ scatter plots especially when a large number of data points need to be displayed.-
Bubble Charts - available in 2D and 3D
The Chart Web Part Bubble charts display multi dimensional data as points in a Cartesian coordinate system. The size of each point is determined by an additional size value. The actual size of the bubble is interpolated to be in the MinSize - MaxSize range.-
Float Bar Charts - available in 2D and 3D
The Chart Web Part Floating Bar charts displays a sequence of vertical bars, each bar representing a one-dimensional value range. A Floating Bar chart can be used as a Gantt chart, if the Y axis is in date-time scale mode. Gantt charts are popular in project management for planning the use of resources over time.-
High Low Charts - available in 2D and 3D
The Chart Web Part High-Low charts displays a sequence of data points, each representing a one-dimensional value range. The begin values of consecutive data points are connected with a "low" line. The end values are connected with a "high" line. The area between these two lines is filled with different colors, depending on whether the "high" line runs above or below the "low" line.-
Stock Charts - available in 2D and 3D
The Chart Web Part Stock charts are used to plot stock data, usually over time. Stock charts use color coding to distinguish between stock prices, which went up or down when the stock closed.
Funnel Charts - available in 2D and 3D
The Chart Web Part Funnel chart is similar to a Stacked Percent Bar Chart with only one category. It represents 100% of the summary values for the data items included in the chart. Funnel Charts are often used to represent stages in a sales process and show the amount of potential revenue for each stage. This type of chart can also be useful in identifying potential problem areas in an organization's sales processes.
Radar Charts - available only in 2D
The Chart Web Part Radar chart plots the values of each category along a separate axis that radiates from the center of the chart and ends on the outer ring. A line connects all the values from the same series and optionally the area enclosed by the line can be filled.-
Polar Charts - available only in 2D
The Chart Web Part Polar charts display 2-dimensional data points in a polar coordinate system. The position of a point is specified by its distance from the center and a rotation angle. The points are connected by a line and optionally the area enclosed by the line can be filled.
Surface Charts - available only in 3D
The Chart Web Part Surface charts display a surface connecting the adjacent data points. Options for zone filling, zone outlining and palette generation are available.-
Error Bar Charts - available in 2D and 3D
The Chart Web Part Error Bar charts are often used to indicate estimated error in a measurement. The chart type includes Series, XY Scatter and XYZ Scatter subtypes with options whether to display X, Y or Z errors.-
Box And Whiskers Charts - available only in 2D
The Chart Web Part Box And Whiskers charts are very helpful in interpreting the distribution of data.
Vector Charts - available in 2D and 3D
The Chart Web Part Vector charts display arrows in 2D or 3D space and are often used to display force fields.
Range Charts - available in 2D and 3D
The Chart Web Part Range charts display 2D or 3D boxes defined by begin - end values. They can be used for the display of histograms, bars with custom sizes, 3D ranges etc.
Kagi Charts - available only in 2D
The Chart Web Part Kagi charts display series of vertical lines to illustrate general levels of supply and demand for certain assets.
Renko Charts - available only in 2D
The Chart Web Part Renko charts display series of white and black boxes (bricks) to illustrate general price movement and trend reversals.-
Three Line Break Charts - available only in 2D
The Chart Web Part Three Line Break charts display a series of vertical boxes ("lines") that are based on changes in prices.-
Point And Figure Charts - available only in 2D
The Chart Web Part Point and Figure charts display series of columns that are made up of 'X' or 'O' signs.-
Tree Map Chart - available only in 2D
Tree maps display hierarchical (tree-structured) data as a set of nested rectangles. Tree maps allow you to easily see patterns that would be difficult to spot in other ways, such as if a certain color is particularly relevant. A second advantage of tree maps is that, by construction, they make efficient use of space. As a result, they can legibly display thousands of items on the screen simultaneously.
Combo Charts - available in 2D and 3D
The Chart Web Part Combo charts are used to combine certain series types within the same chart area. Series types are specified per values data groupings. There are many per series type options. You can combine the following series types: Bar, Area, Smooth Area, Line, Smooth Line, Step Line, Point, Bubble, High Low, Stock, Error Bar, Box and Whiskers, Vector, Range and Float Bar.
Chart Web Part General Features-
Easy Integration in SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016
Nevron Chart for SharePoint seamlessly integrates in WSS3.0, SharePoint 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016. It comes with a standalone registration utility that will help you deploy it on your sites quickly.
Web Based Configuration
Nevron Chart for SharePoint features an advanced chart designer, which will make many desktop programs envious. It has been crafted to provide fast and intuitive editing of the great amount of customization options, which the web part provides in design mode.
Binding to Diverse Data Sources
Nevron Chart for SharePoint can bind to any ODBC, OleDb, SQL Server or Oracle database. SharePoint specific data sources, such as SharePoint Lists, Business Data Catalog and Excel Services are also fully supported.
Pivot Data Aggregation
Nevron Chart for SharePoint supports advanced pivot data aggregation features. Formula expressions are used in grouping, filtering and sorting rules, as well as to define dynamic values that are tightly integrated with your data. Data groupings are created for chart categories, series and values via client-side drag and drop. Numerous functions for different mathematical, statistical, date-time, logical and text operations ensure that the pivot aggregation is flexible enough to meet even the most complex data analysis scenarios.
Multiple Charting Areas
Nevron Chart for SharePoint supports an unlimited number of charting areas. Each charting area has its own charting type and can be rendered in 2D or 3D mode. You can mix 2D and 3D charts in a single canvas. Charting areas can be automatically or manually arranged.
Multiple Legends
Nevron Chart for SharePoint supports an unlimited number of legends. Each values data grouping can be assigned to a different legend. Legends can be manually positioned or docked to chart, chart areas and plot areas.
Multiple Titles
Nevron Chart for SharePoint supports an unlimited number of titles. Titles can be manually positioned or docked to chart, chart areas and plot areas.
Chart Calculated Series (Trend Lines)-
Nevron Chart for SharePoint comes with enhanced support for calculated series (trend lines), for the quick and easy creation of sophisticated data analysis in your SharePoint reports and dashboards.
Calculated Chart Series help end-users to analyze data, identify the nature of a sequence of observations, and to predict future values using historical observations. Calculated series are attached to a master series and display a trendline or formula that is based on the master series values.
The Nevron Chart Web Part for SharePoint comes with more than 30 calculated series formulas:
The calculated series also feature full control over their appearance, chart area, display on axes, data labels, data labels layout, markers, action and formula specific parameters.
Chart Web Part Axes Features-
Complete set of axis-related features designed to target even the most compelling charting requirements. The axes are largely automatic, allowing you to focus on your project, but if needed you can customize every aspect of their appearance and behavior.
Primary and Secondary X and Y Axes
Nevron Chart for SharePoint supports Primary and Secondary X and Y Axes. You can specify the X and Y axes on which each values data grouping (chart series) is scaled. Advanced settings allow you to make use of axis crossings, docking and percent positioning.
Depth Axis
In 3D charting, the axis model is extended with an additional depth (Z) axis. The Z axis allows data to be plotted along the depth of the chart. It automatically scales in Numeric or Categorical scale mode, allowing the creation of XYZ scatters and XZ-plane categorical plots.
Special Radar and Polar Axes
Special Radar and Polar axes are exposed for Radar and Polar charting types. These aim to provide advanced settings for complex requirements related to these charting types.
Numeric Scale
The Numeric Scale is automatically selected, depending on the respective chart dimension type. The following sub-modes are available:
- Number scale - displays any data in numeric format (profit, sales, percentages etc.)
- Angular scale - displays angular data in degrees, radians or grads (used in polar charts).
- DateTime scale - suitable for display of date-time data.
- ValueTimeline scale - advanced date-time scale, widely used in financial charts.
- RangeTimeline scale - advanced date-time scale, widely used in financial and project management charts.
Categorical Scale
The Categorical Scale is automatically selected, depending on the respective chart dimension type. It has the following advanced features:
- Supports unlimited grouping levels
- Grouped and single-row labels
- Multiple presets for groupings appearance and layout
Advanced Axis Positioning Options
Axes can be docked to the chart sides (or polar rim) or crossed with another axis (at value or percent). In addition, axes can share a single chart edge.
Axis Title
Full control over the appearance, position and angle of the axis titles. The axis titles text supports advanced rich-text formatting.
Control over begin and end ruler caps appearance and shape. Options to highlight scale breaks on the ruler.
Axis Range
Ability to inflate the automatically calculated range in several ways. Ability to define a custom axis range.
Major and minor gridlines, with full appearance customization and control over the walls on which they are displayed.
Support for major and minor ticks with control over their appearance and position.
Axis Stripes
Axis Stripes highlight repeating ranges of data on the chart walls, with a controllable show/hide pattern.
Axis Sections
Axis Sections conditionally modify the appearance of axis ticks, gridlines and labels, provided they are within a user-specified data range(s). This feature helps you to highlight important ranges of data along the axis.
Const Lines
Const Lines show constant lines (reference lines) at user-specified value(s). In 3D mode they are displayed as planes perpendicular to their owner axis.
Const Ranges
Const Ranges allow you to visually highlight important axis ranges. The Chart supports range annotation of the plot area with controllable begin/end values and text.
Scale Breaks
Axis Scale Breaks skip a range of values on the axis. They are used to increase the readability of the chart, in cases when the data is clustered in distant data ranges (for example: half the data points are around 100 and the other half are around 1,000,000). Without scale breaks, such data cannot be visually compared. Nevron Chart for SharePoint provides support for manual and automatic scale breaks with full control over appearance and behavior. X and Y scale breaks can be crossed. Scale breaks are also displayed in 3D Mode (unique feature).
Label Layout
Advanced axis-label layout options, which let you resolve very complex axis-label overlapping cases.
Label Formatting
Control over the formatting of values along numeric scales. Many advanced options for currency, percentage, scientific and date time label formatting are available.
Data Aggregation Features-
Nevron Chart for SharePoint uses the Nevron Pivot Data Aggregation Engine. A simplified pivot charting model was first introduced in MS Excel - if you are using this feature of MS Excel then you already know the basics of pivot charting and its power.
In MS Excel, data groupings are simply created for field values and a predefined set of aggregate functions are available for calculating the series data point values.
In Nevron Chart for SharePoint you use expressions to define how the data is grouped, filtered and sorted. Expressions can reference field values from the dataset and you can use numerous mathematical, statistical, logical, date-time, and text functions to define complex grouping, filtering and sorting rules. Special aggregate functions are available for computing aggregate values (like sum, average etc.).
Because the Nevron Pivot Data Aggregation Engine is data source invariant, this allows you to create pivot charts from any data source, which can provide a table representation of its data.
Because Nevron Chart for SharePoint and Nevron Chart for Reporting Services are built on top of the Nevron Pivot Component framework, they are generally having the same functionality and features. This helps you streamline your IT reporting efforts and reduce your IT staff learning curve - be it SharePoint or Reporting Services - you know that Nevron provides the same powerful and consistent pivot charting functionality.
Competitive Advantage Features-
Nevron Chart for SharePoint is the fastest rendering chart inside SharePoint - in both 2D and 3D modes.
3D Charting
Nevron Chart for SharePoint has the best layout in 3D and the most advanced feature set in 3D - including: 11 predefined lighting modes, ability to specify element materials (control the way in which elements reflect light), largest charting types set in 3D, biggest set of shapes in 3D (applicable to pies, bars, markers, areas etc.).
2D Charting
Nevron Chart for SharePoint is the only chart for SharePoint environment to provide Adobe Photoshop like image filter effects, which are applicable to all chart elements - these include bevel, emboss, lighting filters etc. When it comes to shadows it is the only chart for Share Point, which has soft shadows (based on Gaussian and Radial blur image filters).
2D/3D Consistency
Nevron Chart for SharePoint is consistent in 2D/3D modes. For example you can map gradients to elements in both 2D and 3D. Colors specified in 2D are inherited by materials in 3D. You can mix 2D and 3D chart areas in a single chart control.
XY and XYZ scatters
Nevron Chart for SharePoint includes the industry leading support for XY and XYZ scatters inside SharePoint.
Parameters and drill down reports
This feature allows for the development of interactive dashboards and drill down reports. Parameters can be consumed from any expression, they can be passed as arguments to the newly added JumpToReport action. Parameters can also be directly integrated into any SharePoint page.
Automatic Refresh
The Chart Web Part can be instructed to automatically refresh itself at the client side, at user specified intervals of time. This allows for the development of real time dashboards that automatically update themselves at the client side through AJAX, and eliminates the need for manual web page refresh.
Non-overlapping Data Labels Layout
All Cartesian Chart types support automatic non-overlapping data labels layout. The data label layout prevents labels from overlapping in both ordinal and scatter charts and works in 2D and 3D appearance modes.
XML Formatted Texts
Nevron Chart for SharePoint supports XML Formatted Texts. This feature is applicable to all elements which display text. It allows you to mix fonts, mix bold, italic underline formatting and many other advanced features like different fill styles, shadows, image filters etc. - all inside a single label, title etc. XML formatted texts use a format similar to HTML, but with many more advanced options.
Additional Customization Properties-
Following is a brief list of some of the most important additional customization options that are visually exposed by the chart designer:
Per Series (Values Data Groupings) Properties
Data Groupings Editors
Appearance Customizations
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