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Genero Mobile

Create beautiful, enterprise apps for iOS and Android.


Model, compile, package and deploy your apps, maximizing market reach for minimum effort.
That’s the promise of Genero Mobile. The Genero Studio framework lets you create native iOS and Android apps from a single code base. Native by their look and feel and by their performance. Develop indifferently for smartphones and tablets, adding Web Services and data syncing with wizards that insulate you from API and protocol complexities. Capture rich media, signatures, localisation data. Scan QR and bar codes. Integrate on-board apps such as Camera, Phone, GPS, Email, Contacts and Calendar into the core of your application. Access motion sensors and peripherals. All this using an abstract API that enables you to develop just once for both platforms.


Genero Mobile.

Native and cross-platform – unique!

Develop mobile enterprise apps in a fraction of the time with an Integrated Development Environment that separates logic, presentation and data layers into manageable entities that provide cross-platform flexibility and improve developer productivity. Develop using abstract code and avoid the effort of learning thousands of proprietary iOS and Android API system calls. Focus on what matters most – the features that deliver the benefits that make your app the best in class. Make the best of both worlds – that of a native user experience providing great response times and the ability to run cross-platform without changing your code. Apps fully exploit gesture control without the need to learn complex and proprietary gesture APIs.

icon_home_brainDevelop smarter

Reduce your ‘time-to-value’ by creating beautiful, native apps for iOS and Android with just a single development cycle.

icon_home_timesDevelop faster

Model, code, debug, test, package and deploy in a fraction of the time using Genro Studio – a development framework tailor-made for mobile enterprise apps.


Read barcodes, QR digicodes and scan signatures. Localize staff, assets. Create proposals, close agreements, search account payables on site. Synchronize off-line data via RESTful and JSON Web services.

icon_home_yinyangSeamless integration

Innovate by seamlessly embedding Camera, Phone, GPS, Email, Contacts, Calendar and more into your app using a single API that spares you the need to learn thousands of iOS and Android calls.



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