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UNICOM PIE/TSO-DynamicSteplib


Dynamic On-the-Fly Modification to PIE®/TSO Logon Procedures to STEPLIBs and ISPLLIBs.


PIE/TSO, Productivity Integrated Environment for z/OS / TSO is an integrated family of common and optional components. PIE/TSO gives you access to up to twelve TSO applications at once, and twenty four using ISPF split screen.

Eliminate the need for the user to Sign On to each application and/or transaction. PIE/TSO seamlessly authenticates users to external security systems (RACF, CA-ACF2, CA-Top Secret) and to internal application security.



PIE/TSO-DynamicSteplib allows you to change library concatenations while you are logged on, using a simple command. You can change the following:

  • any current allocation

You can add datasets before or after your current concatenation. You can completely replace your STEPLIB or ISPLLIB concatenation. You can even eliminate your STEPLIB or ISPLLIB altogether.

PIE/TSO-DynamicSteplib improves performance, both for your logon and for the system as a whole. Searching the STEPLIB is a resource intensive process. So it is critical to make the STEPLIB as small as possible. Yet you have scores of applications. You certainly don't want all of them in the LPA and link list. So, to be run, the applications have to be in the STEPLIB. With TSO alone, these applications have to be added to the STEPLIB in the logon procedure,. If you put the dataset for every application in the STEPLIB of the general logon procedure, it can take a long time and a lot of resources to finally find an application toward the bottom of the list.

You can alleviate this problem by creating a customized logon procedure for each user that includes only the datasets the user needs. But this is a maintenance headache most installations aren't willing to suffer.

Streamlining STEPLIBs improves performance for each user, because the search times are minimized. It also improves performance of your whole system, because these small decreases compound to a substantial savings.

Right now, with all your datasets allocated in the general logon procedure, one person is responsible for administering all datasets changes for all applications. Using PIE/TSO-DynamicSteplib, you can allocate these datasets in individual CLISTs or REXX EXECs, and delegate datasets administration to the person responsible for maintaining each application.



  • Modify STEPLIB on the fly
  • No application changes required
  • Up to 12 TSO session with a single sign on and 24 session with ISPF split screen



With PIE/TSO-DynamicSteplib, you can change, add to, or even eliminate your STEPLIB on the fly. PIE/TSO-DynamicSteplib to maintain separate STEPLIBs in different ISPF split screens. It can even maintain separate STEPLIBs for each position in a stack of ISPF applications. If you run PIE/TSO-MultiTSO, you can have different STEPLIBs for each session. As you switch from session to session, application to application, PIE/TSO-DynamicSteplib activates the appropriate STEPLIB for that environment.

This means that every application can have its own customized STEPLIB. Simply include PIE/TSO-DynamicSteplib commands in the CLIST or TEXX EXEC you use to start the application. At the start of the CLIST, you can replace the current STEPLIB with the datasets this application uses. Then, after, the application is ended, the CLIST can reset the STEPLIB to its previous setting. If the modules the application uses are not in the STEPLIB, you can turn off the STEPLIB altogether. If you eliminate the STEPLIB, MVS does aright to the LPA and link list and bypasses the overhead involved in a STEPLIB search. The time it takes to locate a module is drastically reduced.


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