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Extensive Multiple Session Manager for TSO and Adapter for CICS.



PIE/TSO-MultiTSO gives you access to up to 12 TSO applications at once—twenty four using ISPF split screen. So you can run Edit and Panvalet, Browse, FileAid, SDSF, InterTest, Xpediter and BTS (and any other TSO application)—all at the same time.

With PIE/TSO-MultiTSO, you log on to TSO with only one user ID and have access to up to twelve TSO sessions at once. You can alternate between any of these sessions at any time—even when an application is still processing a task.

PIE/TSO-MultiTSO supports everything TSO supports. So you can run FOCUS, SAS, SDSF, ASM, RMFMON, or any other TSO or ISPF command in a PIE/TSO-MultiTSO session. If you run ISPF in any or all of those sessions, you can use its split-screen capabilities. So it is possible to run twenty-four different commands at once, on the same terminal, with a single TSO ID.

To imagine PIE/TSO-MultiTSO capabilities, think of yourself sitting at a table with twelve terminals (or virtual terminals) in front of you. On one terminal you might want to run ISPF edit for your COBOL or Assembler source. On another terminal you might run a testing program. On a third terminal you might have SDSF running to see a job's output before it is printed. You're using three terminals, and you still have nine left over.

But instead of using twelve terminals, you use only one. Instead of logging on twelve times, taking up valuable MVS resources with each logon, you log on only once.

You never have to log off one function to move to another. You simply enter one of several PIE/TSO switching commands. When you return to a function, it will be just as you left it.



  • Allows users to switch in and out of sessions
  • Allows TSO jobs to run a background session while in a forground session
  • Greatly enhnaces use screen switching and productivity



  • Switch Commands
    You can use the SWITCH command to switch to the MultiTSO menu or any session.
  • Switching from APL/ADRS Sessions
    MultiTSO fully supports APL and any products that are based on APL, such as ADRS or the Yale Full Screen Editor.
  • Easy session identification
    Alphabetic symbol naming for sessions
  • Asynchronous Switching
    Asynchronous switching allows you to switch out of a session when the application running in it is still processing a task. When you switch out, you will go to the PIE/TSO-MultiTSO menu.


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