Allow Users to Access Multiple VTAM Applications from PIE®/CICS-MultiCICS Session
PIE/CICS-NetGate is an optional PIE/CICS component that allows users to access multiple VTAM applications from PIE/CICS-MultiCICS sessions. With PIE/CICS PIE/CICS-MultiCICS and PIE/CICS-NetGate working together, users can access up to a maximum of 99 simultaneous applications. Sessions support any applications running within a CICS region or MRO complex.
PIE/CICS-NetGate provides VTAM access with significantly less performance overhead than a traditional VTAM session manager. Some savings are a result of PIE/CICS-NetGate’s more efficient VTAM connections. However, the greatest reduction in overhead comes from the partnership of PIE/CICS-MultiCICS and PIE/CICS-NetGate. Using both products together, VTAM resources are used only when a user is in a PIE/CICS-NetGate session; not continuously. If users spend 90% of their time in their standard PIE/CICS-MultiCICS sessions and only 10% in PIE/CICS-NetGate sessions, they incur only a 10% VTAM overhead.
With the PIE PASS and TSWITCH commands, users can transfer to another VTAM APPLID and run applications from that APPLID. However, with PASS and TSWITCH, users cannot switch between their PASS/TSWITCH session and other PIE/CICS-MultiCICS sessions.
With PIE/CICS-NetGate, users can access applications that run as separate VTAM APPLIDs, yet still remain connected to other sessions. Users can switch back and forth between PIE/CICS-NetGate sessions and cut and paste data between applications.
PIE/CICS-NetGate uses VTAM services to communicate between sessions. PIE/CICS-NetGate emulates a virtual terminal to communicate with a target region or application.The virtual terminal acts a conduit, sending information back and forth between the physical terminal that requested the PIE/CICS-NetGate session and the VTAM application.
- Simplifies access to CICS, IMS, and TSO applicaiton through VTAM.
- All of PIE/CICS functions are simultaneously available to all VTAM applications running in separate sessions.
- Increases control over transaction processing.
- Create custom logon scripts.
- Dual levels of secure menus
You have two levels of security for each menu line: protect menu lines based on your external security rules and on Dynamic Menus internal security. Menu line security can be re-checked for each user at regular intervals.
- Support for all applications
All applications are supported, and no customization is required.
- VTAM application ready
You can access other VTAM applications in other sessions. There are three commands to switch sessions: TSWITCH, PASS, and ACCESS. Logging on and transferring control to another region can be automatic and completely transparent tot he user.
- Create user scripts
You can execute scripts from a menu to automate end-user processes.
- Transaction stacking
You can stack transactions to execute multiple transactions in sequence. If these transactions do not require terminal input to end, they are executed immediately similar to a CLIST in TSO.
- AutoEnd
You can use AutoEnd to eliminate the CICS blank screen. AutoEnd returns control to the menu when a transaction ends.
- Complete menu customization
You can customize menus with user-defined titles, comments, and variables such as terminal ID, user ID, time, date, etc.
- Help and tutorial system
You can create tutorial menus, bulletin boards, help, and news files—making your system more user-friendly.
- Fast pathing support
You can fast-path through menus: 3.1 will select item #3 on the current menu and item #1 from the next.
- Auto select one line menus
If only have one menu line remains after menu line security, that menu line can be selected for the user automatically.
- Dynamic Menu API
You can use our API to incorporate PIE®/CICS-DynamicMenus into home-grown applications.
- Dynamic Menu Transaction routing bridge
With Dynamic Transaction Routing, you can execute the same transaction on multiple CICS AORs and transactions that aren’t defined in the TOR. You specify which AOR you want to execute the transaction on the menu line or in an exit.