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IDAutomation Excel Native Generator

Native Barcode Generator for Microsoft Excel

•No External Dependencies - adds dynamic barcode generation to Excel spreadsheets without installing any special fonts, DLLs or plug-ins.

•Easily redistribute Excel spreadsheets with embedded barcode generation objects.

•Complete VBA source code is provided with purchase.

•Generates EPS, 1bpp BMP and other image types for various purposes.

•Compatible with both Windows and Mac, 32 and 64 bit systems, including locally installed versions of Office 365.

•Supports multiple Linear and 2D barcode symbologies including Code 39, Code 128, GS1-128, UPC-A, EAN-13, Code 93, Interleaved 2 of 5, Intelligent Mail IMb, PDF417, QR-Code, GS1 QR-Code, Data Matrix and GS1-DataMatrix.

Overview & Features

The Native Excel Barcode Generator is a VBA module that may be  easily inserted into Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets to create bar code images on spreadsheets. Once installed, no additional fonts or components need to be added to create barcodes; it is the complete barcode generator that stays with the spreadsheet, even when distributed.

Additional Features Include:

•Detailed Tutorial demonstrates  implementation and integration step-by-step.

•Multiple Locale Compatibility with all languages and locales, including Double Byte versions of Windows, such as those used in China and Japan.

•Two Wide to Narrow Ratios are Provided in this package with ratios of 2:1 and 3:1 for the Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar and MSI symbologies. The ratio is changed by a parameter in the function.

•Multiple Barcode Types are supported with a single product.

•Orientations of 0, 90 and 270 degrees are supported.

•Adjustable Size is changed by the size of the cell that contains the generation formula.

•USPS Barcode support for Intelligent Mail (IMb), USPS-128, Postnet and Planet.

•Supports GS1 Including GS1-128, GS1 QR-Code and GS1-DataMatrix including all AIs and required check digit calculations.

•Complete VBA source code is provided with a purchase.

•Compatible and Tested with Excel 2007 and greater that includes VBA support for Windows and 2016 Excel for Mac.

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