AccessNow for TS/RDS/VDI
Ericom AccessNow™ HTML5 RDP Client
HTML5 In Browser RDP Access - Easy to use and simple setup!
AccessNow is an HTML5 remote desktop gateway that works from any device with an HTML5 compatible browser, including from Chromebooks and locked down devices
Ericom AccessNow is the market's first high performance HTML5 RDP Client, providing browser based access to Windows applications and desktops (virtual & physical), running on Windows Terminal Services / RDS / VDI platforms, including Microsoft Hyper-V and other hypervisors. Now supports Windows 10 and Windows Server 2012 R2.
- Zero Client Software! No need to install: Flash, Silverlight, ActiveX or any other underlying technology on the end-user device
- Access and control your desktop from anywhere! Use any HTML5 enabled Device, Smartphone / Tablet (e.g., iPad, iPhone, Android device), locked-down work station, or computer running Windows, Mac OS X, Linux or Chrome OS
- Extends the reach of VMware View, Citrix XenApp (some versions), Dell (Quest) vWorkspace, Ericom PowerTerm WebConnect, and Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop (RD) Connection Broker, to Chromebook and other HTML5-enabled devices and browsers
- Ericom's web RDP solution is compatible with IPSec VPN and SSL VPN
- Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) ready
- Precise mouse navigation with built-in virtual Trackpad
- Ericom's HTML5 RDP client integrates with leading enterprise and home grown portals
- Enables mission-critical business continuity as employees can access their Windows applications and desktops via web browser - from any available end-point device, anywhere - without having to install any software or plugins
- Ericom AccessNow includes the Ericom Secure Gateway, for secure access to the organizational network. Can be used with, or instead of, an SSL VPN