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GrapeCity SpreadJS


Enterprise JavaScript Spreadsheet and Data Presentation Components

Pure JavaScript

Browser and platform independent

Spreadsheets, grids, dashboards, and forms

Data presentation and layout

Modular features, minimal references, optimized for speed

The SpreadJS product family, which includes Spread.Sheets and Spread.Views, are powerful JavaScript spreadsheets and grid components that developers use to create data views, numerical models, forms, dashboards, and reports for the web.

Spread.Sheets displays and manages data much like Microsoft Excel®. Popular features include a formula engine with a comprehensive function library, sorting, filtering, input controls, sparklines, and native Excel files import / export. Spread.Views is an innovative data presentation and layout engine that goes beyond traditional tabular display by including a variety of views such as tree, card, masonry, trellis, timeline, Gantt, calendar, and grid

I Want To Learn More About


JavaScript spreadsheet and grid with Excel-like features, calculation engine, designer, and more.


JavaScript data presentation component that provides many layouts such as grid, card, trellis, calendar, and more.


High Speed, Low Footprint

Pure JavaScript

SpreadJS doesn’t require external libraries or frameworks such as jQuery. External frameworks are supported, but not required.

Modular, Only Use What You Need

SpreadJS is modularized, so you only need to load the JavaScript that contains the features you need, allowing you to optimize the size of your web page or app’s payload.

High Performance Canvas Rendering

SpreadJS renders precise views to the HTML canvas for a fast, interactive user experience that is accurate across all browsers.

Works Everywhere

Platform Independent

SpreadJS is a client-side component, so it will work for Windows, Linux, and MacOS as well as mobile operating systems such as Android and iOS.

Runs in All Modern Browsers

SpreadJS is tested in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Internet Explorer in both mobile and desktop form.

Touch Support

Touch controls are available on touch-enabled devices.

Quick Navigation;

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