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Wingware Python IDE

"Serious Python developers should take a serious look at Wing IDE" -- Doctor Dobb's Journal

Our Python IDE's powerful debugger and intelligent editor work together to make interactive Python development fast, accurate, and fun.

  • Write code faster
  • Find and fix bugs quickly
  • Navigate code with ease
  • Edit with your favorite key bindings
  • Customize your workspace



    Code Intelligence

    Auto-completion, context sensitive documentation, invocation assistance, error checking, goto-definition, find uses, and source navigation using static and runtime code analysis.


    Power Edicatior

    Auto-editing, refactoring, multiple selections, inline code snippets, bookmarks, code folding, search, remote editing, and much more. Emulates vi, emacs, Eclipse, Visual Studio, and other key bindings.


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    Supports test-driven development with the unittest, doctest, nose, pytest, and Django testing frameworks. Tight integration with all the debugger's features speeds up the development process.


    Fast debugger

    Breakpoints, stepping, visual data display, and powerful interactive debug command line. Launch from IDE, remotely, or from interactive shell. Debug child processes, threads, and Django templates.


    Version Control

    Flexible project management with Mercurial, Git, Subversion, Perforce, CVS, and Bazaar. Auto-configures according to project contents and supports reviewing changes before commit.


    Cross Platform

    Wing IDE starts quickly and runs fast on Windows, Linux, and OS X. Works with Python versions 2.x and 3.x and Stackless Python. Perpetual and annual license options cover each user on any number of machines.

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