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Runtime DiskExplorer

Windows based Disk Editor for Windows and Linux File Systems

System Requirements: Pentium Processor - 8 MB RAM

Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

Product Highlights

Navigate and inspect your hard drive

Robust search feature

Create virtual volumes

Edit your drive using direct read/write mode

Conduct your own data recovery

Run from the Runtime Live CD or a WinPE boot CD-ROM

Runtime's DiskExplorer for NTFS

Windows based Disk Editor for NTFS file systems

This sophisticated disk editor enables you to investigate your NTFS drive and conduct your own data recovery, using the following features:

Navigate your NTFS drive by jumping to the partition table, boot record, Master file table or the root directory

Choose between views such as hex, text, index allocation, MFT, boot record, partition table

Inspect the file entry details, NT attributes etc.

Search your drive for text, partition tables, boot records, MFT entries, index buffers

View files

Save files or whole directories from anywhere on the drive

Identify the file a certain cluster belongs to

Create a virtual volume when the boot record is lost or corrupt

Edit your drive by using the direct read/write mode (not recommended) or the virtual write mode

Conduct your own data recovery by taking advantage of all these features

Runtime's DiskExplorer for FAT

Windows based Disk Editor for FAT file systems

This powerful disk editor enables you to:

Navigate your drive going directly to the partition table, boot record, FAT, root directory, to a certain sector etc.

Switch between several views, such as hex, text, directory, FAT, partition table and boot record view

Search your drive for text, boot records, partition tables and sub directories

Investigate the volume' s boot record by looking at the volume information

Edit your drive by using the direct read/write mode (not recommended) or the virtual write mode

View and recover even deleted files

Create a virtual volume when your boot record is lost or corrupted

Conduct your own data recovery by taking advantage of all these features.

Runtime's DiskExplorer for Linux

Windows based Disk Editor for EXTFS2 & EXTFS3

This is the newest addition to our successful line of disk editors. Have an fresh new look at your Linux EXTFS2 or EXTFS3 file system:

Navigate your drive by going directly to the partition table, superblock, inodes, groups etc.

Switch between several views, such as hex, text, directory, partition table, superblock, inode and group description

Search your drive for text, superblocks and partition tables

Edit your drive by using the direct read/write mode (not recommended) or the virtual write mode

View and recover files

Create a virtual volume when your superblock is lost or corrupted

Conduct your own data recovery by taking advantage of all these features.

Quick Navigation;

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