IJ Data
IJData was founded in 1991, the idea at that time was to construct and sell loudspeaker design software (LspCAD) in Sweden. The first version of LspCAD was developed for personal use because I could not afford to buy software such as Calsod or LEAP and stealing software was not a well spread habit at that time.
As I sold the first versions of LspCAD in sweden the manual was in swedish. After a while it turned out that people in Finland and Norway were interested in LspCAD as well. It did not take me a long while to realize that, as swedish is only spoken by approximately 0.16% of the worlds population, a manual in english is a must.
The main driving force has always been interest. I have created a few constructions of my own, some of them successful others more painful for the ears and the eyes, the last few years have been mostly devoted to debugging software though.