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ThinPrintEngine:ThePrint Management Software that Eliminates All Printing Problems

latest update:2018/07/02 Views:897
ThinPrintEngine:ThePrint Management Software that Eliminates All Printing Problems Ismanaging your printing environment...

ThinPrintEngineThePrint Management Software that Eliminates All Printing Problems

Ismanaging your printing environment annoying and labor intensive? Doesyour IT department all too often struggle with incompatible printerdrivers? Is printing again and again causing problems and bandwidthbottlenecks that disrupt workflows in your company? Printing hasalways been both a business-critical, yet problematic IT service.Especially the constant evolution of the way we work and the varietyof the devices and programs used present new challenges for ITdepartments. With ThinPrint Engine, you can ensure secure, fast andreliable printing at all times, and reduce the burden placed on yourIT resources as well as the number of helpdesk requests. 

High-PerformancePrinting for Your Business’s Success

Highavailability printing thanks to load balancing and failover
ThinPrintEngine delivers load balancing and failover for print servers andclients, ensuring you benefit from true high-availability printing. 

Radicalreduction in print data
ThinPrint’sintelligent compression process achieves a reduction in print datavolume of up to 98%. Print data is compressed on all lines, includingfrom workstations in branch offices to the print server atheadquarters and from here to the printer. As a result, ThinPrintEngine ensures high printing speeds and prevents bandwidthbottlenecks. 

Secureprinting – even without VPN
ThinPrintEngine uses SSL/TLS encryption (128-bit) when transferring printjobs, thus protecting even the most sensitive documents. ThinPrintsoftware integrated into the hardware allows even end-to-endencryption right up to the printer. The ThinPrint Secure Tunnelcreates a highly-secure print tunnel from the client to the printserver, allowing seamless TCP/IP printing, even in masked networks.Thanks to the ThinPrint Secure Tunnel, businesses no longer needexpensive VPN connections to ensure secure printing in branchoffices.

Trackingand reporting print volumes
ThinPrintEngine records and analyzes company-wide printing behavior as well asthe resulting printing costs. 


Demand-OrientedPrint Management Unburdens Your IT Department

DriverFree Printing reduces printing problems
DriverFree Printing prevents printing problems caused by incompatibledrivers, and saves administrators from having to distribute andupdate printer drivers. That’s why ThinPrint’s virtual printerdriver, the ThinPrint Output Gateway, replaces all printer drivers onthe printing server or desktops. ThinPrint V-Layer also enablesDriver Free Printing on remote desktop servers and virtual desktops.The original print drivers are kept centrally on the print serverwith everywhere else using only the ThinPrint Output Gateway virtualprinter driver. 

Effortlessprinter assignment thanks to automatic printer mapping
ThinPrintAutoConnect ensures that users always have access to the requiredprinter. With the Dynamic Printer Matrix configuration table, the ITdepartment can automate which client printers should be mapped andconnected to which templates. 

Central,automated management of complex environments
ThinPrintEngine enables simplified, database-driven setup and management ofcomplex print environments. This gives you a full overview ofhardware, drivers, clients and branch offices. ThinPrint takes on thetedious tasks of creating thousands of printers and adds whole printlandscapes to new branch offices within minutes. Print servers,including all printer objects and printer drivers, can be quickly setup, conveniently managed and easily migrated. 

High-performancebatch printing for host systems
ThinPrint’sHost Integration Service enables smooth batch printing when usinghost systems. Externally generated host print streams are integratedinto Citrix XenApp and Microsoft Remote Desktop Service environments,ensuring secure transmission via the ICA/HDX or RDP protocols.


SatisfiedUsers Thanks to User-Friendly Printing

Convenientprinter self-service for your employees
Nowprinting is fun – thanks to the user-friendly Printer Self Service.Users can conveniently search printers using different criteria andadd them to the already preselected ones. 

Mobileprinting from remote and virtual desktop sessions
ThinPrintMobile Print enables iPad and iPhone users to print directly fromremote apps, virtual desktop sessions or any other Windows-basedsession to local printers. Whether Citrix Receiver, VMware Horizon,Microsoft Remote Desktop or TeamViewer – iOS users print to anyAirPrint™ printer nearby.

Advancedprinting options including finishing optimize your printouts
Thanksto ThinPrint’s virtual printer driver, users in almost any ITarchitecture can benefit from virtually every print option andfeature of their destination printer, including the finishing optionsof multifunction printers such as hole-punching, stapling andbinding. 



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