Scaling |
Best fit |
Transmits the remote screen at a smaller size if it has a higher resolution than the local screen. |
Original |
Transmits the screen at the remote computer's set resolution. If the remote screen has a higher resolution than yours, you can use the scroll- bars to navigate the screen. |
Scaled |
Transfers the remote screen scaled. In this process the Remote Control window can be either increased or reduced in size, starting from the resolution of the remote computer. |
Automatic Optimizesthedisplayqualityandtransmissionspeedbasedontheavail-ablebandwidth.
Optimizes the connection speed by reducing the display quality. The dis-play quality is also reduced to the optimum level for remote control.
Optimize quality
Optimizes the display quality by reducing the connection speed.
Optimizes the display quality and transmission speed based on your cus- tom settings.
Monitors |
Shows all monitor screens at the same time in a single window if your part- ner is using multiple monitors. |
Shows your partner's available monitors. |
Monitors as indi- vidual tabs |
If you enable the option Show connections in tabs, the monitor is displayed as a new tab in the open remote control window.
If the opening of new connections in tabs is deactivated in the options (see section 13.3 , page 112), the monitors are displayed in a separate |
session window.
Changes the screen resolution on the remote computer. A lower resol- ution on the remote computer can improve performance since less data
needs to be transmitted.
Hide wall- paper
Hides the wallpaper on the remote computer. This may increase your connection speed.
Show remote
Shows your partner's mouse pointer. If activated, you will see whenever the mouse pointer on the remote computer is moved.
View Options |
Refresh screen |
Forces a screen refresh whenever the automatic refresh function does not work. |
Select single window |
Shows only one specific window from your partner's screen. To do so, click the crosshair inside the window you wish to view. |
Show whole desktop |
Shows the entire screen of the remote computer. |
Show sessions in tabs |
If activated, all remote control sessions will be displayed in a window. Each session will be displayed as a tab within the window. |
Full screen
Switch to full screen
Shows the remote screen on the local computer in full screen mode. If the remote computer's screen has a lower resolution than the local computer's screen and you selected the Scaled option, the screen will be
enlarged accordingly.
For details regarding communication functions, see Section 9, Page 68.
Computer sounds
Computer sounds
If activated, the sound from the remote computer will be transferred to the local computer (see section 9.7 , page 75).
Switch sides
with part-
Switches the direction of the remote control session, allowing your partner to control your computer (available only if the initiator of the connection has already changed directions once.)
Conference call |
Call via Inter- net |
Select an option for voice transmission:
Use the microphone and speaker on the computer to talk to the connection partner (Voice over IP).
l Start internet call: Starts a call via internet or opens up the appro- priate settings. |
Call by tele- phone |
Start a classic conference call or participate in a conference call.
l Phone call details: Opens up the settings for a traditional con- ference call.
For more information, see section 9.3.2 "Telephone", page 70. |
Chat & Video
Chat Opens a widget for text-based communications with your partner.
For more information, see section 9.4 "Chatting with your partner during a
TeamViewer session", page 71.
Video Opens a widget for webcam transmission.
For more information, see section 9.2 "Transmitting webcam video to your partner", page 68.
Whiteboard Opensawidgetthatenablesyoutodraworwriteontheremotescreenasdesired.
Formoreinformation,seesection9.6 "Drawingonthescreenduringa
Activate remote
Enables printing from the remote computer on a local printer (see
section 10.7 , page 87).
Creates a virtual private network between the connected computers.
Note: This option is only available if both computers have already installed the TeamViewer VPN driver. For more information about TeamViewer VPN, see Section 6, Page 31.
You can choose between the following options:
l Start: Starts the VPN connection.
l Stop: Ends the VPN connection.
l Status…: Opens a status window showing i. e. the IP addresses of the VPN.
Screen recording
Take screen- shot...
Saves the currently displayed contents of the remote control window as a screenshot.
To do so, click Take screenshot…. In the opened dialog box, you will have the option to save the screenshot or copy it to the clipboard.
Start session
Records the current remote control session as a video (see section 9.8 ,
page 75).
You can choose between the following options:
l Start: Starts the recording.
l Pause: Pauses the recording.
l Stop and save: Ends the recording.
Transfer files
Open file
Opens the File transfer window, which allows files to be transferred between the local and the remote computer (see section 5 , page 26).
Share via file box
Opens a dialog that lets you share files with your partner in a remote control session (see section 9.5 , page 71). Additionally, you can directly access files from your cloud storage.
l Computer...: Share files from your computer with your partner in a remote control session.
l Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box...: Share files from linked cloud storage providers with your partner in a remote control session.
Next monitor
If multiple monitors are active on the remote computer, you can select the desired monitor from the dropdown menu and display multiple monitors in tabs, separate windows or together in a single window. Alternatively, you can access the same functions under View | Monitors.
Write comments during a remote control session. Click the button and enter your comments in the text field. The content of the Comments window will be buffered until the end of the session. After the session has concluded, you can revise and save all comments.
All comments will be displayed in the TeamViewer Management Console per connection.
UpdatesTeamViewerontheremotecomputer.Dependingonthesettingsthatareconfiguredfortheautomaticupdate,theappropriateupdatewillbeinstalledwithinthemainversion,oranewmainversionwillbeinstalled.ThisfunctioncanalsobecalledupviatheActionsbutton(seesection10.2 ,page83).
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