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Nagios XI--Monitoring Wizards

latest update:2021/07/13 Views:858
Running A Wizard The example below takes you through the Website monitoring wizard to demonstrate how wizards work.

Nagios XI--Monitoring Wizards




Running A Wizard

The example below takes you through the Website monitoring wizard to demonstrate how wizards work.


To get started with monitoring a new device, service, or application, select the appropriate wizard from the available list.



After selecting the appropriate wizard, Nagios XI will ask for the relevant host information. This information will vary depending the type of monitor you're setting up. For this example, the website wizard asks for the URL of the site to be monitored.




After providing the requested host information, the monitoring wizard will ask for the information relevant to the services you can monitor for the selected host.




The wizard will then ask for the time increments for monitoring the host and services.




The wizard will then allow you to specify the circumstances and contacts for notifications relating to the hosts and services.


The wizard will then ask for any final settings that may be necessary to monitor the hosts and services.


Click the Apply button to submit the items you selected to monitor to the underlying monitoring engine.
Congratulations! The new devices, services, and applications you chose to monitor with the wizard will now be available in the Nagios XI interface.


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