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IDA Pro Version 7.5 is now released!

latest update:2020/06/15 Views:984
Discovering your IDA Pro with many new features and improvements!


We are proud to announce the release of IDA PRO version 7.5 today! Join us in discovering your IDA Pro with many new features and improvements!




  1. Folder view

tree-like folder view is available in many IDA standard views. You can create folders and move items between them. To start with, the following views have it:


Functions and Names








Local types


For Structures and Enums, the tree panel is shown by default, for other views it can be enabled via the “Show Folders” context menu item.


Users can create, rename and delete folders, and move items between them. This will help organizing information when dealing with large binaries.


  1. MIPS decompiler


new decompiler has been added to our lineup. Any 32-bit MIPS binary supported by IDA can be decompiled, including compact encodings. The infamous delay slots are handled transparently and seamlessly.


Here are a few screenshots:


Big-endian MIPS32 code


Little-endian MIPS32 code


MIPS16e code


microMIPS code


  1. Lumina for MIPS and PPC:

Lumina function is now available for MIPS and PPC binaries.


  1. iOS/macOS improvements


We have added type libraries with most major APIs and additional frameworks from macOS and iPhone SDKs. They are especially useful when paired with the decompiler.


List of initially available type libraries


Sample of x86_64 user-mode code using CoreFoundation APIs


Sample of ARM64 kernel code using IOKit classes


In addition, we improved support for the KTRW debugger. Breakpoints and watchpoints works with it out of box using the same Corellium-ARM64 configuration.


On the decompiler side, we added support for atomic ARM64 instructions such as CAS (compare-and-swap), LDADD (atomic add) and many others. They are translated into corresponding C11 functions from stdatomic.h, so you should see fewer _asm{} blocks when dealing with code compiled for arm64e.


ARM Atomic


Other selected items


PC: ELF binaries employing Intel CET (Control-flow Enforcement Technology) are becoming very common due to Debian enabling this compiler option by default, followed by Fedora and other Linux distros. We now support such binaries out of box, including in the decompiler. We have also added support for several new instructions that were added recently to Intel and AMD processors.


Intel CET


ARM: Recent compilers targeting 32-bit ARM code prefer using MOVW and MOVT instruction pairs to load 32-bit constants and addresses instead of constant pool as was common in the past. While IDA already handled such pairs when they were placed together, advanced optimizations can place these pairs apart, preventing IDA from combining them, discovering the full value and adding a cross-reference to the destination. We have improved our heuristics to handle such scattered pairs and added an option so analysis can be tuned to be more or less aggressive depending on your specific binary.








Complete changelist:


Processor modules:


File Formats:






Kernel / Misc.:




User Interface:

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