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iWitness V4: for 3D coordinate measurement from digital images recorded with modern digital cameras!

latest update:2019/08/15 Views:1037
iWitness V4 iWitness V4incorporates advanced digital photogrammetric techniques in an inexpensive, easy-to-use software ...

iWitness V4


iWitness V4 incorporates advanced digital photogrammetric techniques in an inexpensive, easy-to-use software system for 3D coordinate measurement from digital imagery recorded with modern digital cameras, both professional and consumer grade. Features include:


* iWitness can process a maximum of 40 images concurrently for dense 3D point cloud generation. To process more images, please consider iWitnessPRO V4 instead. The number of images that can be used in iWitness for targetless orientation and/or manual measurement is unlimited.

Program screenshot 1

Program screenshot 2


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