CameraCalibrator TheCameraCalibratorsystem enables a fully automatic calibration of your camera for optimal photogrammet...
The CameraCalibrator system enables a fully automatic calibration of your camera for optimal photogrammetric accuracy, using a choice of approaches from coded targets to fully targetless. A full calibration of principal distance and principal point offset (interior orientation, or intrinsic parameters), and radial & decentring distortion of the lens can be obtained within 10 minutes or so.
Over recent years, our camera calibration software has been used to successfully calibrate hundreds of lens & camera combinations. Virtually all point-and-shoot, DSLR and medium format cameras are supported, including models from Canon, Nikon & Sony, right through to Hasselblad and Phase One. Moreover, CameraCalibrator is well suited to the task of calibrating small-format cameras & lenses utilized in smart phones and also UAVs/drones.
Version 2 of the CameraCalibrator, which supports automated targetless calibration, was released in May 2016.
Features of the CameraCalibrator include:
- Operates on the principle of multi-image self-calibrating bundle adjustment
- Can operate with targets, coded and uncoded, with both retroreflective and user-printable non-retroreflective targeting options
- Can also operate without any targeting in situations where the scene/object is well textured; a Structure-from-Motion (SfM) or Feature-Based Matching (FBM) approach is utilized for initial network orientation
- Incorporate means to manually supplement image measurements in both targeted and FBM approaches, and can operate with fully manual image measurement in rare cases where that is warranted
- Automatically determines which digital camera was used for photography
- Solve focal length, principal point offset and lens distortion, both radial and decentring, along with image distortion parameters (rarely warranted) and higher-order distortion within fisheye lenses
- Allows full control over which camera parameters are solved
- Incorporates a user-friendly interface with graphical display
- Has an image scanning optimization feature to ensure maximum image information is preserved for calibration (applicable only to targeted approach)
- Has a reporting option that allows output in .PDF format of a full calibration report
- Provides output which is compatible with most photogrammetry software packages
- Is inexpensive, powerful & extremely easy to use
- Easy accommodation of image resolutions of as high as 100 megapixels
- For UAV/drone cameras, can accommodate ground control and GPS exposure station constraints
Photometrix also offers camera calibration services which guarantee results of optimal accuracy & reliability.