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SecureDoc 7.27 release!

latest update:2017/05/12 Views:1371
SecureDoc 7.27 release! E-mail cannot display correctly? WinMagic is pleased to announce today that the SecureDoc CloudV...

SecureDoc 7.27 release

E-mail cannot display correctly?

WinMagic is pleased to announce today that the SecureDoc CloudVM version is eagerly released. SecureDoc 7.27, for CloudVM, our solution includes many key updates, including support for new Linux operating system versions, SecureDelete and Disaster Recovery, all of which provide you with greater support and functionality to protect your Cloud IaaS envirnment.

This new feature includes:

• Extend support for new Linux operating system versions (RHEL 7.3 and Ubuntu 16.04) on private and public clouds

• Ability to encrypt multiple disks (volumes) on Linux VMs on all supported operating systems

• Support for secure deletion of Linux virtual machines (before startup and at the operating system level)

• You can add multiple subscription IDs from Azure and AWS to import devices into SES for management

• Ability to recover data from non-bootable encrypted Linux clients

• Supports online conversion

• Support for new and previously supported platforms for Linux virtual machine interrupt conversion (encryption)

• Enhanced support for cloud solutions such as disaster recovery, replication and auto-scaling


If you are already an WinMagic customer with technical support, please contact your support team for information on your SecureDoc upgrade.

For customers who do not have a support program, please contact us.

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