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How to automate predefined jobs e.g. file transfer with ad hoc selected remote Host

latest update:2021/07/08 Views:938
How to automate predefined jobs e.g. file transfer with ad hoc selected remote Host


How to automate predefined jobs e.g. file transfer with ad hoc selected remote Host


If you are using Netop Remote Control to remotely connect to endpoints and want to automate a predefined file transfer job, you can do this by using the Guest scripting feature. A standard Guest script provides this feature for a predefined set of endpoints.

But you can add more flexibility to the standard script and be able to create ad hoc connections to various endpoint Hosts and perform a predefined file transfer job. In this example a file transfer operation is described, but it might as well be another type of session e.g. run a program or script on the remote Host computer.

The attached package consists of three files. All to be used on the Windows Guest computer:

Here is what to do:

 The script will prompt the user for a Host IP address and then inject that into a new dws file which is used to launch the Guest and process the file transfer.


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