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SciChart Support for macOS Released!

发布时间:2020/09/16 浏览量:768
What’s does SciChart macOS support include?



Many people were eagerly anticipating SciChart for Mac to be released. We are pleased to announce that we have now released SciChart mobile version 4, which includes the usual iOS and Android platforms as well as support for macOS.

What’s does SciChart macOS support include?


1. Scichart macOS 2D and 3D chart types

SciChart for Mac supports all your favorite 2D and 3D charts on iOS and now macOS. Including but not limited to: macOS Line Chart, macOS Scatter Chart, macOS Column Chart, macOS Point-Cloud 3D chart, macOS Point-Lines 3D chart, macOS Uniform Mesh 3D chart and more. See our chart examples page. 



2. SciChart macOS Features

SciChart library is more than the chart types. SciChart macOS platform supports a number of features out of the box, just like SciChart iOS those include, but not limited to:



3. Featured Applications

SciChart is used around the world across sectors, to showcase what library is capable of in the hands of your developers, we are creating featured applications as a part of our examples suite that is a fit to different domains:


Where to get SciChart for Mac?

The SciChart for Mac 2D and 2D and 3D licenses can be purchased individually from the store online. macOS platform is also a part of SciChart Bundles and can be purchased with the bundle. Customers with the Bundle products and support active subscription at this time will receive the access to macOS platform for free.

The trial can be downloaded from our downloads page, please see how to get started in the getting started guides.

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