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发布时间:2021/03/30 浏览量:825
Exchange Server 2010 End of Support: What Are Your Options?


Exchange Server 2010 End of Support: What Are Your Options?


As support for (and, therefore, your use of) Exchange Server 2010 comes to an end this year, you need to take advantage of the time you have left to plan where, how, and what to migrate.


Source: Gerd Altmann on Pixabay


Late last year Microsoft announced support for Exchange Server 2010 ends October 13, 2020. After this date, there won’t be any bug fixes or security patches provided to this version of Exchange. This impacts any organization using Exchange Server 2010 all the way down to those businesses using Windows Small Business Server 2011.


While it will still run just fine on October 14th, there are some very material reasons to be concerned:


1.Productivity – Assuming you’re running Exchange Server 2010 on a supported Windows Server OS, updates to the OS may or may not be compatible with any integrated functionality within Exchange Server. While not entirely probable, it is possible that an update can cause Exchange to cease to function.


2.Security – Vulnerabilities are discovered daily. As an example, in February of this year, two vulnerabilities were discovered that impacted Exchange Server 2016 and 2019. One helped to facilitate remote code execution and the other allowed privilege elevation. While neither applied to Exchange Server 2010, cybercriminals work to both find vulnerabilities in older operating systems and application, as well as test out new vulnerabilities (such as the two mentioned above) against older versions.


3.Compliance – New government regulations around protecting data are getting specific in nature around what kinds of IT controls need to be in place. For example, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) requirement 6.1 states “Ensure that all system components and software are protected from known vulnerabilities by having the latest vendor-supplied security patches installed. Deploy critical patches within a month of release.” Without any support, your on-prem Exchange 2010 instance, by definition, is non-compliant, as it cannot be patched.


So, you need to do something about your Exchange Server 2010 implementation. The good news is there’s still time and you have a few options. In short, there are two basic options:



There’s also the option of moving to another email platform entirely. While Microsoft provides a robust offering for both on-premises and cloud-based email, some organizations choose to look for other solutions to meet their specific needs.


These discussions revolve around – and, generally, address – the where and when of your migration plans. But, there’s no real discussion around what should be migrated. This is an important caveat of the migration. Whether you decide to go on-prem or cloud as your final Exchange destination, the question of “Do I need to migrate everything?” should be addressed.


Organizations running on Exchange 2010 can easily have 10+ years of email (the upper end of Exchange 2010’s Keep deleted items for (days) setting was a little over 68 years). And, while you technically can just migrate everything, should you? A viable alternative is to offload some of that data to a searchable archive, rather than simply keep it all and make it the problem of your next chosen email platform.


There are a few reasons why you may want to instead look at archiving some of your mailbox data from your Exchange 2010 environment before migrating:



So, then, what’s the right way to approach moving on from Exchange Server 2010?


The plan is simple and effective:


1.Decide on a path – Determine whether to update to a newer version of Exchange Server or move to Office 365 (or, again, another platform, if desired).


2.Assess Mailbox Usage – Run a mailbox size report to see exactly how many mailboxes you have and how much space are they taking up.


3.Look at Your Archive Options – You’ll need to decide if archiving will help with any or all of the reasons I previously mentioned.


4.Archive – If you’ve come to the conclusion that offloading a material portion of your mailboxes to an archive makes sense, do so as soon as possible.


5.Migrate – You can continue to follow Microsoft’s recommendations on how to move to either a newer on-prem version of Exchange or Office 365.


End of Support, Start of Getting Exchange Right


Microsoft’s ending of support of Exchange Server 2010 is your organization’s opportunity to think about what your next implementation of Exchange to look like. And, not just from a “what version?” or “where should email exist?” standpoint, but an opportunity to also think about how to best manage the historical email data you have and whether Exchange is the place to host it.

Most of you (depending on the size of your organization) have plenty of time until October. But it’s important to get started now to best utilize that time to that you can properly plan for and address both archiving and upgrade/migration needs.

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