Support showing both 64-bit TWAIN drivers and 32-bit TWAIN drivers at the same time.
Dynamic Web TWAIN v16.1
- Added method SetProductKeyAsync() which sets the product key asynchronously. Previously, the property ProductKey was used for both setting and reading the key. The same behavior is kept in 16.1 but the recommendation now is to use the method SetProductKeyAsync() to set it and use the property ProductKey to read it.
- Added methods GetSourceNamesAsync(), SelectSourceAsync(), SelectSourceByIndexAsync(), OpenSourceAsync(), CloseSourceAsync(), OpenSourceManagerAsync(), CloseSourceManagerAsync(),as asynchronous complements to their existing synchronous methods.
- Support showing both 64-bit TWAIN drivers and 32-bit TWAIN drivers at the same time.
- NOTE: This driver type does not work if we call SelectSource() synchronously (without callbacks).
- Added APIs under Addon.Camera as a complement to the existing APIs under Addon.Webcam. These APIs include getSourceList(), selectSource(), getCurrentSource(), closeSource(), getResolution(), setResolution(), getCurrentResolution(), play(), pause(), resume(), stop(), getStatus() and capture(). Unlike the old APIs under Addon.Webcam which are good only on Windows, the new APIs are good on Windows, macOS, Linux as well as iOS & Android.
- Added built-in video processing feature which enables video streaming, edge detection, perspective adjustment, capturing, etc. Related APIs include showVideo(), closeVideo() and two callbacks video-closed and video-error.
- NOTE: on desktop, this feature requires a webcam/camera addon license.
- Added a feature to run Dynamsoft Service with the account "Local Service". By default, it is still "Local System". Contact Dynamsoft to learn more.
- 16.1 now supports acquiring images from a remote scanner which is connected to a machine which is connected via HTTP. This feature is designed to enable document scanning on mobile devices.
- Improved the speed to initialize the library under WASM mode by splitting one WebAssembly file into multiple files and loading them in the background.
- Improved memory usage by sharing the same heap among multiple WebAssembly workers.
- Improved image decoding by removing unnecessary image processing operations as well as lowering the memory usage.
- Improved data transferring efficiency by using pointers instead of strings.
- Improved performance by saving compiled WebAssembly code into the working process for later use.
Changed behaviors
- This version is backward compatible with version 16.0. This means once you have installed the Dynamsoft Service for version 16.1, an application running version 16.0 also works without the need to install the Service for version 16.0.
- The method LoadImageEx() now supports mobile platforms as well.
- Dynamsoft Service directory is now named with its version in it. For example, /DynamsoftServicex64/ is now /DynamsoftServicex64_16/. Also ActiveX related files are put into a different directory called /WebTWAINActiveX/.
- Fixed a bug where images fail to show in the viewer in IE 10.
- Fixed a bug in Chrome where the print UI invoked by the API Print() disappears immediately after showing up.
- Fixed a bug with the API Dynamsoft.WebTwainEnv.Host which is now effective.
- Fixed a bug with consecutive cropping operations with the API Crop().
- Fixed a bug with WebTwain instances created by the API Dynamsoft.WebTwainEnv.CreateDWTObjectEx() so that their UI binding works correctly.
- No deprecation in version 16.1.
Changes about the ActiveX edition
- No changes in version 16.1.